Big Boring Brother

Call it the BBB! For the first half hour on BBAD, we follow Danielle around the kitchen while she makes herself some food. Flash to Zach who’s on a bed doing nothing but breathing. (it looked really funny on fast forward) Last night’s contest was very boring, you just got to see Zach and ED freezing their butts off for most of the show. Oh, I forgot there was also the exciting shots of the storage room so we, at home, could see exactly all of the food rations the houseguests get.

Finally, almost 1 hour into BBAD, ED and Daniele are talking strategy and about past houseguests. Daniele is packing and surprise, she’s complaining about how much time it’s going to take her to get everything put together. She claims she needs two handlers just to get everything ready. She says the first time she packed, it took her two days to get things together. Daniele also just said she hadn’t been to DR yet and seconds after she said, I’m glad I haven’t been called into the Diary Room, Big Brother called her. Of course, she complained about that as well. Things haven’t changed since the start of the summer except there isn’t ANY enterainment in the house anymore.

Everything will be over next Tuesday night.