Two Person Life

One of my friends recently said something that hit home for me. He said he led a “two-person life”. I feel the same way.

When I arrive home, I look around and think how can one person create such a mess, where does all of the laundry come from, how can everything get so dusty and dirty so quickly, how can the carpet have crumbs and strands of fuzz all over it? I can barely keep up with everything.

Hence, the “two person life”. I need one more person around me to get things done, remember things and keep my life organized. By the time, I’m done with work, sleep and workout, I’m tired. Maybe not enough to sleep but just exhausted. I want to watch TV, surf the ‘net or just stare out my window.

The rest of my week will fly by because I have something planned every night. By the weekend, I’ll be exhausted and not even want to have any fun.

How do you get through your days, weeks and months?

2 Replies to “Two Person Life”

  1. Oh ditto, ditto, ditto!

    That is so my gripe!

    I keep saying that I have 2 jobs…a paid one and an unpaid one!

    And I seriously need to start paying someone to do my unpaid one! How sad is that!

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