I Need A Bike

All of the cool kids are doing it now-a-days, biking!

I think I can cut down on my walking and my gas bill by getting a bicycle. Target has one on sale for under a $100. I just need two wheels, a frame and a comfortable seat.

So, here’s my question, will cheaper bike affect my ride? What should I look for when buying a bicycle. I’m not going to ride the Tour de France so it doesn’t have to be built from airplane grade aluminum. I just want something that will get me from point A to point B without a big wedgie and leaving me feel like I just peddled to the Point.

I’d appreciate your comments and suggestions!

2 Replies to “I Need A Bike”

  1. being that i lived on an island for 6 months were by only form of transportation was a bike i’ll say yes it does make a difference on your comfort level.

    but if you’re not going to be biking a long course or on bumpy terrain i think you’ll be fine with target

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