‘Heroes’ Only Getting Better

This show continues not to disappoint!

Every time you think you know who’s side people are on, they throw a wrench into the works. Mohinder Suresh, who we thought was oblivious to the fact Sylar befriended him and was using his information only to increase his powers. Last night, Suresh showed he was no dummy and spiked Sylar’s tea with some sort of chemical that rendered Sylar powerless. In another twist, Sylar struck back and ended up lashing out at Suresh. Last time we saw him, he was hanging from the ceiling.

Claire found out her grandmother knows about her son’s powers. She told Claire she’s been trying to keep her safe but it’s not been easy. We never knew before tonight Nathan Petrelli’s mother understood that her sons had special powers. She’s teamed up with the man who can clear memories.

Hiro got his sword and transported himself and his friend to the future where it appears as if a bomb exploded.

The show has more twists and turns than just this. Again, I’m telling you, if you haven’t watched this show. Go to nbc.com and watch some of the old episodes and you, like me, will be hooked. The next new episode is April 23rd.