The little guy isn’t quite so little anymore. They say he looks like me. Don’t you think he’s a good lookin’ guy?

Check out my quickly edited video of my little nephew. I won’t be accepting any grades on it but I wanted to get something up for my sister quickly. I hope you enjoy it and agree he’s as cute as I think he is…
Although we knew that going into this whole thing… Here’s the headline about my new nephew. Ayden Donald was born December 8th, 2007 at 3:07 in the morning. He weighed 7 pounds, 14 and a half ounces.
He arrived a little earlier than his Christmas due date but noone in the family thought he’d wait that long. Some people (his great-grandmother) thought he might be sharing the space with a wombmate.
He and his mother are doing fine. His grandparents are a little tired today after staying up most of the overnight to see him born.
His uncle will get to see him for the first time today. Of course, his uncle will no doubt have pictures to share on his blog soon.