I don’t do drama, I’ve always been a sitcom kinda guy. Give me a traditional half-hour comedy and I’m watching it. I’ve never been hooked on “The Office”, I haven’t watched “Lost”, can’t seem to get “Grey’s Anatomy” and reality shows, for the most part, don’t hold my attention. American Idol and Big Brother are probably the only hold-outs. The traditional half-hour sitcom I talk about doesn’t exist much anymore. That’s why I love Monday nights on CBS. I’m a big fan of three of the four shows. To be fair, I haven’t given “Rules Of Engagement” much of a chance.
I was skeptical of “The Big Bang Theory” at the start. The Barenaked Ladies, one of my favorite bands, does the show’s open. It’s actually a song much like the sitcoms I watched growing up. The show’s finale aired Monday on CBS. What everyone wanted to happen did at the conclusion of the show. Leonard and Penny kiss just before the credits hit. You have to wonder what the date is going to be like but we’re going to have to wait until next season to find out. The show is well written and has a lot of great moments. The cast works fluidly as an ensemble with everyone getting their occasional jokes. I didn’t know where this show could go from the start, but I’m glad it has.
“How I Met Your Mother” had a great cliffhanger. It left you wondering about what’s going to happen next season. You learn that Barney may be in love with Robin. That was a definite surprise. Ted also proposed to Stella after their break-up, then reconciliation, then break-up then reconciliation. What will she say and isn’t Sara Chalke part of the “Scrubs” cast? That show is moving to ABC for its last season from NBC.
Finally, “Two and a Half Men” continues to provide great laughs but I didn’t think there was too much of a great cliffhanger to the show. It just kind of ended.
I have to say I’m happy to see “Password” is coming back. Something the tube is also missing is the classic game show. Forget “Deal Or No Deal” and the rest of these new competitions. Most people did because few of them have lasted. It’s cool that eighty-something year old Betty White will be on the show. A cool summer fill-in series for sure!