Every time I think they’ve outdone themselves, the writers of “Heroes” do it again. Let’s start where the show did with Hiro and Ando transported back to the past. Both of them know what they have to do thanks to the comic book Hiro got from “Mr. Issac”. The problem is all of the words the characters say aren’t included. Hiro’s powers help him out of a sticky encounter with Sylar but in the end discovers his sword is broken. Even so, he’s still able to transport himself and Ando. So you have to ask the question, how important is the sword to his powers?
Sylar has a big role in the episode. You find out there’s still some “good” in him. He goes back to his mother’s house to talk with her. She pushes him away after finding he has strange powers. They fight and he ends up accidentially killing her with a pair of scissors. After her death, his brain twists even more and he decides his mother was right about his chances of being President. This could play out interestingly in the future. Will there be some sort of race between Sylar and Nathan Petrelli? Sylar at one point also makes a call to Mohinder asking for his help, only to reject his assistance after hearing Mohinder calling 911.
Micah finds out Linderman kidnapped him and the person he thinks is his mother is really Candice. Niki and D.L. realize Linderman knows everything about them. Why they’re not more concerned about Micah was a little puzzling to me during last night’s episode.
We also learn about a girl named Molly who has the ability to locate anyone in the world just by thinking about them. She has a disease that Mohinder can heal because he’s carrying the antibody.
Claire and Peter go against Nathan’s wishes and set out to save the world from the bomb. Peter still doesn’t know if it’s him, Sylar or Ted who end up going nuclear. At the end of the show, Peter gets too close to Ted and starts absorbing his power. That’s where the show ends and hooks you for next week.
So this got me thinking if there was one special power that you could have what would it be? Being able to see the future interests me. But it’s something I’ll give a little more thought to first!