The show opened with a big fight between Jen and Daniele. ED got involved along with Nick. ED ended up dumping a glass of tea on Jen. ED does NOT like Jen at all. He verbally assaults her all of the time. Daniele got upset over the whole thing and then told ED she was ready to call it quits and wanted to go out. She said she didn’t see the point of staying. She didn’t like anything about the house and she didn’t even care about the money. She just wanted to go home. ED and Daniele had a moment in the backyard. Daniele and Nick snuggled a little bit in bed. Boring part of the night, Kail and Jen talked in the HOH room.
One of my favorite players, Jessica, decided to do a little hottubbing, Jen joined in (wearing the skimpiest of bikinis) and so did Dustin who accidently flashed a butt shot for the camera. Eric also hopped in for some fun. They were talking about Christmas music and how much Eric likes Christmas music including the Twelve Days of Christmas where Miss Piggy sings about five golden rings. Eric, by the way, is Jewish.
Zach, who’s always everywhere, went to the bedroom to talk with Daniele and Nick. They sent him away to spy on the rest of the houseguests for them. Good way to get him out of the room. Jameka and Dick are talking about the way the nominations and the power of veto went down. No beer pong tonight because there wasn’t any alcohol.