Call me crazy (please don’t!) I’ve gone off the deep end and ordered Showtime to get Big Brother after dark. There have been plenty of nights when I get home and think “I wish I could watch Big Brother After Dark”. Tonight, I bit the bullet and ordered Showtime. It’ll be only for the length of the run of “Big Brother”. Right now, all of them are just sitting in the backyard tonight talking about different housemates who aren’t there. It’s Evil Dick, Dustin, Eric and Jameka talking about what would go on if Eric was Head of Household. They just ran a promo about everything they can’t show you on network television but can’t. Here’s the best part, I forgot about the West Coast Feed so they’re re-running it. I’ll have to set the DVR to help me out because there’s no way I’m missing out on sleep tonight.
So who’s out already? Carol, Joe and Mike are out. I was kind of shocked by Evil Dick putting Mike up and then the housemates voting him out of the house. I thought Kail was a goner but I don’t think I was the only person. I believe she thought she was out of there too. So, I know you are wondering who my favorite houseguests are. My answer? Evil Dick and his daughter, Danielle, Nick (because of all of the drama between the three of them.) I guess I’d also pick Eric (America’s Player) and finally, I think I love to hate Jen.
Okay, I hope Jessica or Zach go home next. They bore me.