Well, at least when it comes to the world of working out. My trip to Europe really made me backslide. Who, when they’re traveling and not sleeping well, wants to get up in the morning and go down to the gym and work out. Moreover, (mom2amara, I never use that word in daily conversation) who wants to give up time you could be using to see all of the sights?
I’ve sought forgiveness from the workout gods and they seem to be offering their redemption. I’m back up to 4.5 miles a day. No, that’s not the 7 or 7.5 I did pre-vacation but hey, Paris, Amsterdam or Basel weren’t built in a day either. I’m happy I’m getting back in the groove. Anyone have any good suggestions for running music. You may think it weird of me asking but I need some fresh new upbeat music!
Big Brother Update: Eric is caught up in LiarGate. Evel Dick and Daniele are telling everyone he’s a mole and leaking information to everyone in the house about everyone else. Everyone is talking to one another and it’s almost tough to figure out who’s aligned with each other. I still want Kail out of there. I’m ready to see Dustin leave. They don’t entertain me. At least with Amber you get tears. With Daniele, you get the looks. Evel Dick brings drama. Jessica brings the off-the-hook cuteness. Eric provides the laughs. Jen fuels the rest of the house. Jamaka is there to band it all together and the occasional laugh. Oh and there’s Zach, he can leave. The fact I forgot him to the end proves he’s boring too. I really hope they don’t vote out Eric because he’s America’s player and I hope that continues.
You’re probably wondering if I’ve voted on anything or get the text updates. That’s a big NO. I’m just voyeurist I guess. That’s where my annual obession with this show ends. Believe me, I tried not to like this season but the producers got me again. Producers know how to get to you. 🙂 Executive Producers are EVEN worse better. Excuse me, are we still talking about Big Brother. I digress, I guess. Today is the POV ceremony so I’ll find out after work via BBAD who is going up on the block. It will probably be Eric but the question is will he get backdoored? We’ll find out Thursday or even earlier thanks to BBAD.
Also, and I’m running out of time here, if you haven’t seen the hilarious “But First” youtube video, you have to check it out. Julie Chen, please stop it with the “But First’s”. It’s starting to get out of hand.
I’m out!