Yep, It’s

Some people might think they arrived at the wrong website, but this is the updated I’ve been working on converting from a two column to a three column blog for a couple of days.

If you are trying to do the same with your blog, check out Amanda Fazani’s Blogger Buster website. Her instruction are simple and easy to understand. I even felt like I learned a little bit about html and css along the way.

I’m not finished tweaking the look of the blog so keep logging on to see what’s changed.

Thanks for reading,

2 Replies to “Yep, It’s”

  1. nice new look. I like it – so the real burning question – do you really make money with adwords?

  2. Excellent bloggy resource.. thanks for the tip! I really want to do the 3 column thingie so I’m going to give it a whirl. But I have lots ‘o problems with technology…

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