It’s Too Late To Apologize…

I take a lot of flack for the way I say a certain word, sorry.

I’m not apologizing, that’s the word, sorry.

I say sor-ee, not sawr-ee. No, I’m not trying to sound cool like the Canadians, that’s how I’ve always said it. It makes people stop and ask me if I’m from Toronto or something.

My mother says it that way, My grandmother says it that way and I suppose so on and so on…

My friend, Jennie, says my mother may be an illegal immigrant from Canadian. I think not. By the way, Jennie, there’s some link love for ya!

Now who’s sor-ee, take a look at the pronunciation on There are two and check out which one is first in line. Of course, the computer generated voice says it the right wrong way.

I checked out Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary and here’s what it listed:

Main Entry: sor·ry
Pronunciation: ˈsär-ē, ˈsor-e
Etymology: Middle English sory, from Old English sārig, from sār sore
Date: before 12th century

So if you’re offended about the way I apologize, just know that I’m really sawr-ee. {rolls eyes}

9 Replies to “It’s Too Late To Apologize…”

  1. Haha I have all kinds of little quirks to my speech that people love to label “redneck”. I’ve never gotten Canadian.

  2. HAHAH! I noticed how you pronounce it too — and I say it almost the same way. My sisters always make fun of me for some random acquired accent that I have. Seems to hit me on my “or” and my short “a” sounds.

    You would have loved in my earlier drunken years when I got a Brooklyn accent while I was drunk. What in the hell? I blamed it on my NYC-borough grandmother invading my spirit when I was having another shot.

  3. OMG, just read Kelly & Jose's comment, and I spit coffee out of my mouth. I totally pronounce it "ape-ricot." LMFAO!

  4. Well, I say it that way too! I am just glad you didn’t take on dads way of saying that you worsh your clothes not wash them!!

  5. Taawd, you know I have told you FOREVER, this is one of your many charms. I love the way you say sorry!!!! Don’t change for anyone my friend!

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