Schedule Change

You already know I’m working overnights. Now, my schedule has changed again to deal with sweeps (ratings). I’m now hauling myself into work around midnight and working until whenever. I’m really tired today because I didn’t leave work until almost Noon yesterday. I got a little sleep yesterday then I couldn’t fall back asleep.

I did watch the movie “Juno” and I have to say I liked it. Thanks Josh & Stacie for the Blockbuster borrow. I don’t watch a lot of movies but thought Ellen Page did a great job of playing the lead role. The movie took a wierd turn when Jason Bateman and Page did a little dance in the basement. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it!

2 Replies to “Schedule Change”

  1. Yeah, that dance scene made me cringe a little bit.

    I was relieved to like Juno. Usually by the time I see a movie like that it’s so overhyped that there’s no way it can live up to its pleasantly diversionary, indie film roots. It gets built up into the next Citizen Kane.

    But Juno was a good use of 1 1/2 movie hours, fo sho.

  2. Juno is my fav right now: because you frankly can’t have enough of your favorite 1 calorie breath mint. Or a movie that includes a line about Pork Swords.

    Go Carol!

    Ok – maybe I have enjoyed it one to many times on the ipod.

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