On Friday, we hit 80 degrees and my A/C kicked on and off all day long. It was about 78 degrees in my place.
Today, the temperature is barely hitting 50 degrees and my apartment is about 68 degrees. The windows don’t keep much of the heat or the colder air inside my apartment.
I love that Spring is here. The Flats actually appear alive with all of the snow gone and trees blooming along Elm and Washington streets. I can’t wait for the upcoming RiverSweep 2008. I hope all of the volunteers clean up a lot of the trash that litters the area around my building. I’m still trying to find out what’s going on with the property across the street. I’m hoping we’ll get to clean it up and make the area look better.
I know everyone wishes the sun were out today but since I’m working mornings for now, I’m actually glad the occassional dreary day comes along. It helps me get some rest without all of the sun blarring its way into my place. I need some of the rest after catching this cold. I’m excited that I’m kicking the bug and I’m feeling about 80%.
This weekend, I’m going to the Foundation For Community Betterment’s fundraiser. A lot of my friends are going to the big event. Which reminds me, I have to get my tickets today. You can find out more about the event here.