Last night’s show got everyone caught back up what was happening on the show. It’s been off the air for several weeks and a lot of people waited for its return.
The interesting part for me is finding out who really is the bad guy. We know Sylar is evil and he’s killed several people to absorb their powers. We also know Linderman isn’t the nicest of people. Here are my questions and thoughts from last night’s episode. They are developing something with the Petrelli family. Peter and Nathan’s mother knew about their powers along with Claire’s ability to heal herself. Does the mother have some sort of power that she’s not exposed? I thought at one point during the episode Peter’s death was a way the writers could explain why Nathan and Linderman teamed up. “You heal my brother and I’ll do your bidding.” But that didn’t happen. Peter healed himself.
I’m getting tired of Candice, the illusion caster, who can transform herself into anyone else. It’s too convenient to do that every time. HRG’s wife, Nikki and even Claire… That’s enough all ready with her morphing. What does Linderman have planned for Micah?
The alliance of HRG, Parkman and Ted is an interesting one. They’re headed to NYC to destroy the tracking device that allows the corporation to find the “Heroes” anywhere in the world. I like where they’re going with this storyline.
The two minutes with Hiro at the end of the show just has to make you wonder, what’s next? The timeline constructed inside Issac’s studio gave a little (very little) insight into what could happen next but then the cliffhanger. You hear a sword come out of its sheath and it’s Hiro but looking a lot less geeky. Who is he and is he good or bad. We’re just six days away from the answer. Hopefully… gives a little insight into this question. Hiro in the future doesn’t turn evil. He’s trying to find the answers and save the world and the cheerleader. He reveals that Sylar kills Claire. He’s looking for the person to kill Sylar first so that doesn’t happen.
Stay tuned!!