Well, well, well… Boogie and Erika an item? Big Brother’s producers would have you believe that twist exists. Will appearently says on the feeds that the Boogie Man and Erika have been dating for a while. We’ll see as the season progresses.
I knew about the replay of the HOH game because of the fine folks who watch the 24/7 feeds. Those technical problems changed the game. I also know that Boogie gets the Coup d’Etat power but will he use that power or just let Janelle’s nominations of Erika and Danielle stand? Here’s more food for thought to snack on… Danielle threated Janelle and apparently has followed up by winning the POV this week.
Janelle is a power player but Danielle ain’t going without a fight. Evict Marcellas, I’m so tired of him. At some point, someone is gonna have to vote out Chilltown. Will, Boogie and now Erika are dangerous! Don’t forget about Chicken George and James the complainer! I hope Howie gets to stick around for a while though!
Classic Song Flashback: The Twist – Chubby Checker
i thought winner of the new power was going to be revealed live on Thursday and they wouldn’t know what it meant until it was revealed. Wow who are the crazy people who are spending all their time watching the live internet feed.