I think Yahoo! does a great job filtering out junk mail. Gmail gets all sorts of stuff. Let’s not even talk about Hotmail.
So, of the stuff that goes get through, let’s take a look at what people are sending me.
Credit Report USA wants me to know that my credit rating may have changed. Good thing for that alert, I’m sure they can help me repair it. Guess their service will let me be as crazy as I want with my debt. Whew!
Real Visa wants to give me a credit card. To think I’ve been using those Fake Visa cards all of these years, what was I thinking?!?
Unread Crush Mail says that I have a secret admirer out there. Apparently that person is using their service to connect me. If you’re thinking of trying to contact someone, let me tell you that isn’t the way to do it.
My unknown friend, Jasmine, is helping me get meds. She writes “We address this letter to you hoping that it will help you select among the variety of online pharmacy stores.” I love how my friends are so formal in their e-mails.
Top 5 Colleges are going to help me get my degree in under a year. That’s fantastic and to think I spent a ton of money and time somewhere else. Wish I would have gotten that spam a long time ago. Oh wait, there was spam back then!
Probably one of my favorite, Snuggy, wants to help me keep warm this winter. Have you seen the commercial for this crazy, half-blanket, half-robe that you wear? Google it! If you have one, I suggest you get a rope and tie it around your waist. They make you look like a monk. That was my nephew’s awesome observation.
What’s your favorite junk mail? I could use a good laugh!
If you love the Snuggie commerical … read this blog.
Good stuff!
I’m suprised you are not getting lots of offers for cheap designer watches like I do. I guess the spam filter knows you are never late.