when you have OnDemand? I recently discovered Time Warner cable offers Exercise TV on their OnDemand line-up. It’s free and the work-outs are arranged by the muscle group that you’re looking to target. Whether it’s a core body work-out or if you’re interested in just targeting the abs (that was me today), you’ll find it on your television. I’ve tried several of the different workouts already. They will kick your butt too. I just think it’s a great alternative to buying DVD’s and or trying to catch one of the programs when they start at the top or bottom of the hour. I love OnDemand! Pure convenience!
Going International
I’ve been out of the country before. Count Canada and Mexico but I’ve never left this big land mass we call North America yet. That’s about to change. Two of my good friends are getting married overseas this summer. As I alluded to in a previous post, it is one of my big trips. I’m heading to The Netherlands of all places. I’m excited and I hope it’s not the same weekend as another wedding I’m supposed to attend that is in North Carolina.
I got to get all of the details but the wedding is in Amsterdam so I’m gonna have to brush up on my Dutch. While I there I’m going to go to France and Switzerland. My great great grandparents were from Switzerland and France. So, I’ll be on expedia or anywhere else I can get cheap tickets!!
Sunday Night Viewing
It is (was Easter) so here goes a little religious post. If you don’t know this, I was raised (not literally) in an Assembly of God church. My great grandfather helped start it so there’s a great deal of family history there. We went to church, Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday night. That’s a lot of going to church. I love theology. In college, I almost had enough credits to declare it as a minor. We had some great professors at my college because the Grace Brethern Church founded the university.

G-Love at HOB Cleveland (Jennie & Olive too…)

The venerable G. Love (or Glove) is coming to Cleveland. It is one exciting event for Jennie and I think Olive shares in her enthusiasm. I’m preparing Chez Todd for their visit. I know they’ll have a good time. Jennie even bumped up her tickets so she’ll finally get to meet her man (Sorry Bruce, you’re still number one, I’m sure.) I’ll let you know their review of the concert. Speaking of which, my upcoming concerts, so far, Barenaked Ladies and the Police. I’ve got two more I wanna get tickets for but we’ll see how things go.
The CD Project & The “Q”
Once and for all, the CD Project is complete. All of the files are named correctly and all of the CD’s have been ripped on to the MyBook drive. There are more than 11,000 songs on the drive and it only takes up about 40 gigs so there’s plenty of space for more. Thankfully that project is finished.
I’m starting to get used to having the “Q” as my cell phone. It’s amazing. I just put my gmail account on the phone. There’s a bad side to the “Q” with Sprint. It doesn’t have a native PictureMail feature. I put the gmail account on the phone so I could post pictures to my blog. There’s no built-in way that I’ve found yet to do such a thing.
Side note, I’m looking out my window now as the snow just keeps coming down. There’s actually a decent side drift on the roof of the other apartment. See Winter’s Revenge.
Winter’s Revenge
I have to admit I moved back to Ohio to experience this but NOT IN APRIL! Yes, I’m getting cabin fever and long for the days when you can be outside in shorts and get a good run outside without having to get on the treadmill. The Indians almost got their home opener in yesterday (Thanks, Grover for the discussion with the umpires!) Today, they cancelled their double header with Seattle. Mother Nature gave us a good taste of Spring with a record breaking high last week and then the bottom dropped out. I am ready for another season. That is why I’m happy I’m back in Ohio. No two weeks of winter or one week of spring and fall. Just give me Spring. By the way, I don’t think the saying goes, April SNOW showers brings May flowers…
When Is Hi-Tech Too Hi-Tech?
I think the answer is when I’m blown away by the technology itself. The Motorola “Q” is like a laptop. The keys are a little clumsy but it’s amazing. I had to wait until April 1st to get all of the rebates on the phone. I somewhat miss my flip phone already but it’s just all about taking some time with the next phone and figuring it out. There’s a lot to figure out. Supposedly, I can get my e-mail on it. Write word documents, etc. It should be fun and it does have an mp3 player and that’s a big bonus! I’ll have more of a review soon!
The CD Project
I didn’t think this possible so quickly. I’m ripping one of the last five CD’s into my computer. I’ll be done with the ripping portion by 7:00pm. Alas, the project is not finished yet because I have to go through the renaming process with every CD I ingested. That won’t be as long as the actual ripping project however. I’ve not peeked at iTunes to see how much music (in days) that I have. I don’t plan on doing that until all of the renaming process is finished. All I have to rip yet is the Simon & Garfunkel “Old Friends” box set and the Now 24 CD. I’m missing Natalie Merchant’s Tigerlily CD. I’ll just download it from Wal-Mart and that will be that.
The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame City
The CD Project
A milestone for me on this massive project! I’ve completed all of the non-oldies CD’s that I have. That means I’m about 80% complete. It’s going much easier than I thought it would but I’m also devoting a lot of time to getting this done. Add in the fact that Windows Media Player doesn’t rip the CD’s in the filename format that I want and that’s going to keep me at work renaming the filenames for another week. There is a handy free program out there called mp3 Tag Tools. I probably owe the software developer a donation for using the program so much. It’s a powerful program that allows you to batch rename files and write tags for your mp3’s. Without those tags, your iPod or mp3 player won’t tell you what song is playing, so they’re important.
Currently, I’m up to the “C’s” in the Oldies CD’s. The “B’s” were a project themselves because of the “Billboard Hits” CD’s I have from Rhino Records. Most of my oldies, thankfully, are Rhino re-issues, so you know they’re quality. So, hopefully I’ll be done with this project this week.
On a different front, the next few weeks look very busy for me. I have a run coming up. I’m heading out of town. It’s Easter and that’s just the start! ah, Spring!