Jase Evicted, Janelle snags HOH
Jase is out. He’s right, it wasn’t fair. He was backdoored by the Season 6 alliance. Don’t get me wrong, I’m support Sea-6 but Jase should have lasted longer in the house.
The real threat is Dr. Will. Even though he tells everyone he wants to go home and he hates them. He’s got a control over the floaters in the house.
Janelle winning HOH certainly helps out the Sea-6, none of them has to worry about going home this week. However, there are always twists within BB. Who thought Jase would have gotten kicked out?
Tonight’s another night of BB All-Stars. We’ll get to see what’s happened inside the house. Other blogs say Janelle has put up Erika and Boogie for eviction. They’re trying to get rid of the floaters. We’ll have to watch tonight and see what happens!
Classic Song Flashback: 7 – Prince
Another Construction Shot
Goodbye, George

They called him “Poppy”, “Big George”, “Dad”, “Grandpa”, even “Great Grandpa”. George Werling will be remembered as a true patriarch. He died at the age of 77, much too early for any of his family and friends. His son said “he always believed in himself and that helped him get through anything.” He was the beloved husband of Mary (nee Brennan); dear father of George Werling (Joni), Timothy Werling, Laurie Zoerner (Mark), Heidi McIntyre (Bernie), Lisa Mitchell (Mark), Jill Quinn (George), Thomas Werling (Kathleen), Becky Uszak (Mike) and the late twin daughters. He was the grandfather of 22 and the great-grandfather of three. He was the founder of the Cathedral Latin Alumni Association and President of Future Planning Agency. He will be missed by so many but certainly never leave their memories. Goodbye, George…
Classic Song Flashback: It Was A Very Good Year – Frank Sinatra
Construction Junction
After a two days of construction, two sheds built. The one on the left, I helped build. Now, I’m burnt and sore. Getting old sucks!
I’m mobile… April Flowers
My first mobile post from my phone.
And baby makes three…
Wow, what a night. April’s nephew came over and spent the night with us. Whew! He’s eight months old and he’s a handful. But he’s too dang cute for his own good. That’s him at his best, a little night vision from the camcorder to make sure he didn’t wake up. He got his 8 hours of beauty rest but that’s all of the time he gave us. I’ll post a couple more of him in action when I resize them. He’s something else and his tantrums sure get your attention!
Classic Song Flashback: Baby Workout – Jackie Wilson
It’s Been A Month… Reality Bites
Okay, okay, it’s been a month since I’ve blogged. It’s been busy!
It’s time for another edition of CBS’s Big Brother. Now, it’s the “All Stars”. Best news, Howie and Janelle are back. I’m excited about that!
Janelle’s just a powerhouse (yes, you can take that a couple of different ways.) She won HOH and got the POV. She’s a target though so she has to watch her back!
Howie on the other hand is just wacked out! Back is the lightsaber and the wicked Howie humor. But what’s this with his obsession with Dr. Will? It’s scary! Thank god for the DVR because otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to catch all the episodes. I’m a busy man, ya know.
One last thing on Big Brother. Is it jumping the shark with the All-Stars season? It’s still tons of fun but part of the competition is not knowing the housemates. Let’s hope not because next to American Idol, it’s the best reality series on TV.
Also, I’m nearing the end of Charmed. I’ve seen almost all of the episodes now thanks to TNT and may have to buy the final season when it comes out on DVD. I should have also DVR’d this final season but I wasn’t thinking.
Summer is awesome and it’s great not being down in South Texas right about now. A quick temperature comparison.
Greater Cleveland———————South Texas
Temperature: 70°————————Temperature: 85°
Feels Like: 72°—————————Feels Like: 89°
Humidity: 90%————————– Humidity: 63%
Dewpoint: 67°————————— Dewpoint: 71°
Wind: SSW 8 mph———————– Wind: SE 13 mph
Thanks, but I’ll take 70° at 10:30 at night anyday. It’s just too dang hot down there.
Have you checked out my baby picture on this page? Such a cute baby, what happened?!?
Final thought, the Discovery mission is just downright fascinating to me. If you haven’t checked out nasa.gov yet, you should and watch some of the NASA TV live streams. The final frontier…
Classic Song Flashback: Rocket Man – Elton John
Can You Believe?
Can you believe it’s already Hurricane Season again and there’s already a storm brewing in the tropics? If you can’t take a look here! Yep, that’s a tropical depression churning up in the Gulf. And I’m happy as hell I’m back in Ohio and not having to worry about whether the storm is headed toward Texas and concerned about every tropical wave that develops. But it looks like everyone needs to stay alert and hanker down for another interesting year.
Also, I’m watching a repeat of SNL tonight and notice how much Neil Young is starting to look like Don Imus. If you don’t believe it, check out the pictures to the left. The picture of Neil Young isn’t that recent but you get my drift. Can you believe they’re starting to look like the same person?
Now, I’m watching the Dixie Chicks on Howard Stern and they’re talking about the war, the President and of course, Howard can’t keep off of the subject of sex. Can you believe he just got one of them to admit they were part of a ménage à trois. But I digress, here’s my beef with the Chicks. Just sing for crying out loud! You do that well and you have great songs. I don’t care what you think about the war and President Bush.
Classic Song Flashback: Long Time Gone – The Dixie Chicks