I have to thank the online community for posting good tips about fixing everything from doors that won’t stay open to keeping your laptop’s screen from wobbling.
My laptop screen was driving me nuts. Everything I would type it would wobble back and forth. So thank God for Yahoo! I found someone’s note that said on Toshiba notebooks there are two screws covered by plastic circles with adhesive on the back. All you need to do to tighten up your screen is tighten up the screws behind the plastic circles. I just did that and viola, the darn thing’s brand new again.
I hope someone see’s this post and doesn’t go through the trouble of taking their laptop to a professional when the fix is this easy. DIY (Do it yourself) and save a couple of bucks!
Of course, it worked for me and may not work for you so I offer you no guarantees and don’t plan to pay for your laptop if something goes wrong. {smile}
If everything goes right, I’m glad I could have helped.
My Media Center didn’t record the Young & The Restless today so I’m ticked off a little bit. Thanks to the folks at one of the spoiler sites, I still know what happened.
Classic song flashback: Amie – Pure Prairie League