It’s Too Late To Apologize…

I take a lot of flack for the way I say a certain word, sorry.

I’m not apologizing, that’s the word, sorry.

I say sor-ee, not sawr-ee. No, I’m not trying to sound cool like the Canadians, that’s how I’ve always said it. It makes people stop and ask me if I’m from Toronto or something.

My mother says it that way, My grandmother says it that way and I suppose so on and so on…

My friend, Jennie, says my mother may be an illegal immigrant from Canadian. I think not. By the way, Jennie, there’s some link love for ya!

Now who’s sor-ee, take a look at the pronunciation on There are two and check out which one is first in line. Of course, the computer generated voice says it the right wrong way.

I checked out Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary and here’s what it listed:

Main Entry: sor·ry
Pronunciation: ˈsär-ē, ˈsor-e
Etymology: Middle English sory, from Old English sārig, from sār sore
Date: before 12th century

So if you’re offended about the way I apologize, just know that I’m really sawr-ee. {rolls eyes}

A Couple Of Questions

Aren’t the Chinese worried about all of the smoke all of those fireworks created? Wasn’t that the big worry of the Olympics, now they’re making it?

Now that the Olympics are over, will everyone be drawn into the Democratic National Convention coverage because they need something to fill their time or will they just go to sleep?

When will Time Warner make good on its claim to upgrade the cable software, Navigator, that they promised would happened in two weeks, two months ago?

Short post, just a couple of things I wanted to put out there…

Toast To The Trail

I’d have to say the Ohio Canal Corridor’s “Toast To The Trail” was a success. I’m glad so many people turned out for the brand new event.

Everyone had a great time. I didn’t hear any complaints. The Atrium at Blue Point is a great space. People enjoyed the food and the libations on both floors.

Tanya Stella gets kudos for pulling off this event. It went without a hitch. We had something like 150 wine glasses and almost all of them were gone at the end of the night. I think some people may have even left their glasses. I don’t know why because they’re a nice memento of the event.
All of the sponsors also get a big thanks for their generosity and help for making the event a success. I snapped some pictures along the way with my cell phone. Check them out. I had my real camera out in my car but I forgot to get it out before the valet whisked it away. So you’ll have to enjoy the 2 mega pixel quality of my cell.

Mel & Tanya mugging for the camera

And seconds later, taawd got his butt kicked…

Everyone had a good time

I didn’t get to take home the Ingrid Hoegner painting “Row Of Bottles” so I snapped my own shot.

School Daze

I hated this time of the year. I’d watch TV and see an ad for “Back To School Savings.”

Each time, I’d see that I’d know summer was over and it was back to the books. I hated school. It always bored me. I can’t believe it’s that time of year already. Not only does a commercial play touting savings on clothes during every break, I even just saw an Internet ad with the same message.

My mother works at a school and she goes back (along with the students) on Tuesday. It just seems so early. By the way, it’s her birthday this weekend (Happy Birthday early!) The Tuesday start is somewhat of a tradition in my school district. This year, it’s the same thing and it’s a good idea. Ease the students back into the whole school routine. The three weeks following include Fair Day, Labor Day and an In-Service Day for the teachers.

Still, my sympathies go out to all of the students who have to go back to classes,

I’m Still Here…

For the past two days, I’ve felt so distanced from the Internet because it’s been very busy at work.

I worked overnight earlier this week and now I’m working days. I’m not that sleepy but I do feel run down and I might be am a little agitable. I had to apologize to one of my co-workers today for how I handled a situation. I didn’t think I was being confrontational but apparently that’s how I came off. I don’t like that sort of thing happening. ‘Nuff said here about that.

I will say this however, it seems like practically everyone is off this week at work. We are doing okay at filling in and making things function as normal.

Over the past two days, I wanted to talk about the Rock Hall’s expansion out to other cities. Rock Hall brass say it will only help spur Cleveland tourism. We will have to wait and see about that.

I wanted to talk about my continued obsession with the Olympics. I can’t believe Roger Federer got beat. Are we seeing the end of his era?

I can’t wait for this weekend. I need the rest after this week. I hope to chill a little. Tomorrow night, you’re likely to see some Indians pictures on the blog. Let’s just hope they win.

As for tonight, I’m just going to take deep breaths and calm down a little,