New favicon

{edit: i like the logo but it doesn’t look good as a favicon so i’m changing back to my old one!)

I’ve created a new logo that I’m incorporating into my blog. It originated from my favorite city in Switzerland, Basel. The top and bottom come from the city’s logo, the baselstab. It’s my way of including some of my heritage into the logo. I think it also looks like an “S” which is the first letter in my last name. The three lines interrupting the “S” are also part of the baselstab but I think it almost looks like a “T”.

I get creative after a relaxing night. If anyone knows how to make a vector image out of it, I’d love to have you make one so the image is clean and not pixelated.

See what you think.
One more thing, if there’s anyone out there who could tell me how close you can put a subwoofer near a computer tower (will the magnet in the subwoofer cause problems for the hard drive?) I would love to hear your thoughts.

Luke’s Feet

When the flip-flops come off, you know the music's getting serious. Yet, Kennedy and Hanley keep their flops on.

John Hanley Band

For all of you fans of the band. Here they are in all of their glory. They packed the Around The Corner patio. Lauren had technical issues with her violin

My nephews

They just got back from OBX and they wanna look like surfers. They are already wearing ‘product’ in their hair. What has uncle started?