Where’s It At?

In Cleveland, you’ll find the “at” at the end of sentences. My former Senior Executive Producer got me crazy over the usage of “at”. For some reason, it’s okay here in Northeast Ohio to end your sentence with a preposition.

I don’t want to be a grammar nazi, which my family already believes I am, but I even catch myself saying it. I was just listening to Q104 and the DJ even used the phrase. My other big pet peeves are “saw/seen”, “was/were”, “say, says, said” and “wash”.

What are the things people say that drive you crazy?

Schedule Change

You already know I’m working overnights. Now, my schedule has changed again to deal with sweeps (ratings). I’m now hauling myself into work around midnight and working until whenever. I’m really tired today because I didn’t leave work until almost Noon yesterday. I got a little sleep yesterday then I couldn’t fall back asleep.

I did watch the movie “Juno” and I have to say I liked it. Thanks Josh & Stacie for the Blockbuster borrow. I don’t watch a lot of movies but thought Ellen Page did a great job of playing the lead role. The movie took a wierd turn when Jason Bateman and Page did a little dance in the basement. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it!

School Daze

We were talking today at work about being kids and elementary school. I’m always surprised by people not really remembering who their teachers were. For me, it’s apparently a sign of a good childhood or I just have that sort of memory. Actually, school bored me to death. I hated it, it took away from my time I could spend watching TV. That’s a subject for another blog though.

Anyhow, I easily rattled off all of my teachers. Here goes for those who care:

Kindergarten: Miss Otto
1st – Mrs. Welday
2nd – Mrs. Elzroth
3rd – Mrs. Glessner
4th – Mrs. Renninger
5th – Mrs. Elzroth (yep, the same one from above, she was a great teacher!!)
6th – Mrs. Carpenter
7th homeroom – Mr. Zimmerly
8th homeroom – Mr. Schultz

I still remember all of their first names as well. You could probably quiz me on my high school teachers as well. I know them too.

Go figure, I remember the teachers better than some of my classmate names.


Apparently I can only visit South Texas when BorderFest or RioFest is happening. Of course, my friends have a commitment to the station to work the festival. KGBT Action 4 News is giving away an HDTV. So there are a lot of people who are stopping by their tent to sign up for the chance to win. I think I only have to be here a couple more hours.

Do I Have One Of Those Faces?

First, let’s not answer with any wisecracks. For some reason people want to talk to me. A lady (crazy one at that) started talking to me out of the entire car full of people riding to the airport. The flight attendent stopped and talked to me as she was checking overhead compartments. Another person sitting next to me on my flight to HRL was reading a book then shut it and started a conversation. I even had my mom2amara do-not-bug-me earbuds firmly stuck in, well, my ears. I wonder if I just have a friendly face or something? By the way, I’m really not that nice.