Final Thoughts…

Well, it’s been a long time coming, here I sit on my couch watching Game Show Network thinking about the move and all of the work I’ve accomplished in the past two week preparing for the move downtown.

Almost everything is packed up. Tomorrow, I get to take down my workout machine, that’s always fun. I’m going to some pre-moving and I guess I should find out more about when I’m picking up the U-Haul for the move.

Wish me luck and by the way, I’ll still take any helpers! 🙂

Missing Your Favorite Shows Yet?

I am! No more good laughs on Monday nights on CBS. No more “Heroes” on NBC.

We’re hearing lines like “The season finale of…” and not “On an all new…” You’ll soon start feeling the effects of the Hollywood Writers’ Strike. Be prepared for more reality shows and shows you thought were on hiatus to pop back on the screen.

Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien are going back to work next month. They’ve been shuttered by the strike. Both sides reportedly aren’t any closer to a deal. The strike is having a trickle down effect on small businesses who count on Hollywood for their livelihoods.

What can you do about it? Probably nothing just sit back and enjoy the quality TV you’ll see on the tube while the writers walk the picket line.

Ayden’s Big Debut

Uncle taawd came with the video camera, camera and even the cell phone camera. I will have better pictures when I can get them out of my digital camera. He’s cute and very mild mannered. By the way, he was 20 inches at birth.

A Downtown Move?

That is what it is looking like as of this moment. I spent a lot of time on the Internet searching for the building that fit my tastes and I think I found it.

I don't have a lot of stuff but I don't have a little either. It's probably more than a one bedroom, one bathroom. Two bed/bath obviously cost more. I found a place that bridges the gap between the two. It maybe off the beaten path but I can't resist the deal I am being offer. Winter will be a bit of a bear but summer will likely be crazy fun.

I'm likely to have more news tomorrow so stay tuned!

Enjoying my days off….