Tribe vs. Tigers
Patience? No, Thanks…
I have to say I seriously lack in this category. Slow Internet at work, annoying. OnDemand delays, frustrating. Slow drivers who shouldn’t be on the road, infuriating. Add your pet peeve that just causes you to lose seconds, minutes, hours or days from your life.
You know the saying goes don’t ever pray for patience. Believe me, those words will never come out of my mind or mouth. I’m proud I’m a midwestern kind of guy. I’m on the go and doing things, why stop and slow down so that anything can get at you.
Big Brother Catch-Up
I’ve been busy but just because I’ve had tons of things to do doesn’t mean the houseguests are slacking off.
After Thursday’s episode, Zach won the HOH. He ended up putting Jameka and Jessica up on the block. Daniele won the Power of Veto competition but the question is, will she leave the nominations as they are or will she take either of the nominations off the block. We will see.
Come From Behind Win?
Cleveland Skyline
White Sox vs. Indians
Thursday News
Let’s start with Big Brother 8. The houseguests unanimously voted to evict Jen from the house. Not one of them acted as if they were at all said. Eric said as she left, “Jen, as happy as you are to leave the house, we’re just as happy.” During the HOH competition, it came down to ED facing Jessica in the final two. Jessica correctly answered the question and replaced Daniele as the Head of Household. I can only assume that means, Eric, Dick and Daniele are safe. If I were Jessica, I’d put Zach and Amber up on the block. If one of them got POV, then I’d put up Jameka but send Zach home.
The Kokua Festival has announced their 2008 festival dates and I plan on going. It is April 18th and 19th. Before or after, I’ll end up visiting my two friends in Los Angeles during my trip. It’ll allow me to have my yearly vacation and get to see Jack Johnson in concert. Anybody wanna come with?
I’m sad to see one of my buddies leave for a new job in Cincinnati. It’s not that far but it’s not as close as a trip down the Ohio Turnpike to Youngstown to hang out. C’mon Frank! Well, I haven’t visited the Queen City too much so that’ll be a new place to hang. Of course, there’s always Athens. C’mon OU weekend. That’ll be coming up in a month or two, possibly Halloween. God save everyone!
Working On Working Out
5.5 miles today…