This post was going to center around but I decided I’m going to talk about a couple other cyber phenomenons. Sites like facebook, myspace and the aforementioned craiglist have forever changed how we meet people, network and just even flirt. Have you ever looked through the personals on craigslist? One of my friends was telling me the other day that he did all of the time. Of course, I’m incredibly curious so I checked them out myself. It’s amazing what you’ll find on there. So many people out there are looking for that special someone but can’t find them. You’ll find titles like “Needle In A Haystack”, “Fun Flirtatious and Ready to Get Freaky!!” and “Any Good Guys Left “. These people, in this case women, are searching for someone. facebook and myspace won’t ever probably replace the bar as the place to find people even though, everyone knows you won’t find your husband or wife there. I’m not exclaiming that it’s just the saying.
The problem I see with trying to be a place to find someone is how do you know who’s on the other end of the computer? They could be totally different than they describe themselves or they could be telling the truth. That truth could also be flawed because you’re getting their perception which may not be reality to everyone else. I noticed during my browsing that so many people want you to send them a picture and don’t even post one of them. It’s their ad so I think they should be the one posting in the first place. Are there stories out there where people have successfully met and ended up in a good relationship? I’m sure there are but one won’t be about me.