Still raining!!!

I have a lot written about my trip so I will not waste this time on the net to retell those stories. I wrote a bunch on the train trip here last night. Bad news, I have a sick companion, she’s sick back in the hotel. My first impression of Switzerland wasn’t great, some random older man walked up to me for no reason and called me an idiot. Still don’t know why. The city is beautiful I realized that after a trip downtown. I have so many stories and I was a lone visitor today. It is still raining but part of me doesn’t mind it anymore.

Swiss kezboards have the y and z flipped so it is quite difficult to tzpe this without anz mistakes.


Cheers from Amsterdam

Hey everyone,

I’m sending this post from an internet cafe in Amsterdam. The wedding was great. It’s been raining the entire time we’ve been here. A couple of breaks here and there but mostly the weather’s not cooperated. Tonight, we board a train to Switzerland and then on Wednesday, it’s off to France before returning home. So far, it’s been unbelievable, I’ll share the pictures and stories on my return, like the visit to the Sex Museum!



If you are following along from home, you may know there are thunderstorms in the New Jersey and that has put us on the tarmac until further notice. The captain says those storms are right in our flight path. This is his last flight and there is supposedly a celebration planned. There is also a problem with my headset jack in my seat and you can't get both channels of audio at the same time. Bunko!!! Remember because I have Sprint, my phone will not work on the European GSM network. T-Mobile and Cingular both are compatible. I am going to try to blog at least once or twice. You will get enough details on the trip when I return. Bon Voyage!

BNL Concert Slideshow

It’s been… years since I got to see these guys in concert. Actually I saw them last when the Quicken Loans Arena was called Gund Arena. The best I can figure I’ve seen them at least 6 times over the years. They never disappoint. I didn’t get to listen to their new stuff as much as I’d like to have. I really enjoy being able to sing-a-long with them at their concert.
The three concerts ago, I saw them at the Taste of Cleveland at the Powerhouse parking lot. That was August 30, 1997. That date might ring a bell for you because it was the time when people in the United States found out about the car accident involving Princess Diana. I was at the concert with my friend and co-worker when we got the news on one of those old huge pagers. We were all shocked and you could see the people’s emotions change from party mode to shock. It was one of the strangest sights I’d ever seen. Steven Page even mentioned at this concert that the last time they played on the Powerhouse grounds that Princess Diana had died. Everyone has a story for where they were on historic events (albeit tragic) and that’s mine for the untimely death of Princess Diana. Steven also told the crowd during the show that Cleveland has a special place in the band’s hearts.
It should the Plain Dealer Pavilion was packed but not quite sold out! Before the show, we went to Cyrus and relaxed on their patio. We thought we’d eat but the restaurant’s managers didn’t realize how many people might show up at their place on a nice sunny Sunday when one of the most popular bands in Cleveland was playing a concert next door.
A teenage band called “Eclyptic” made up for that downfall. They are the band at the beginning of the slideshow. I’m a music buff and I’d say if they keep it up they might have a future, even if it’s just in Cleveland. You can check them out yourself by clicking on their website link included in this post. Their music rocks and their showmanship is just as good. They had all of us smiling and even laughing with their seriousness about their show. That’s not a crack either, they did a great job. I wonder if they thought they’d have such a big crowd for their show at Cyrus. Quite a compliment for a local band to get the entire crowd calling for an encore even though most people in the crowd probably didn’t know them.
After they finished up a DJ took the stage and claimed he was throwing a BNL pre-party. He played one song then proceeded to play “Love Train” by “The O’Jays” and then “ABC” by “The Jackson 5”. Good way to get the crowd in the BNL mood.
I have to get ready to head into work so I gotta wrap this up for now. BNL played all of the favorites and a couple of new songs. I didn’t know them but it was great getting to sing it out like I was in the shower or in the car. I also had great people to see & hear the concert with some great people! Thanks to all of you for that!

The Skidsteer

it's been years since i used to run one of these at the golf course all summer long and i still know how to run it. It's like riding a bike.