The Final Countdown

A witty headline for this post. Who sang “The Final Countdown”? Europe! Where am I going? Europe!

I got the suit and I have to admit, I make it look good. 🙂 I only have to get an adapter for my phone, etc. We’re gonna have an unbelievable time there. I’m trying to take it a little easy this weekend. I’m gonna see my father tomorrow. He and my mother are at my sister’s house putting up their pool. It’ll be a trek across Cleveland and that imaginary border that separates the west from the east sides. Tomorrow night is the Barenaked Ladies concert that I’ve been looking forward to seeing for months now. I’ve not seen them in concert for at least 6 years. We’ve got four tickets to the concert. It’s gonna be great. Can I take a camera there?

I’m so tired tonight after a long day but I can’t lose energy now, it’s only beginning!!!!

Thursday Thoughts

For everyone saying it’s going to be an embarrassment if the Cavs get swept in the NBA Finals, yes, it’s going to be sad if that happens. Remember this, we ARE in the NBA Finals. Many people never thought that could happen in the first place. For the first time, Clevelanders can actually say “there’s always next year”, because there is! We’re a growing team lead by LeBron James. We have a great chance of returning next year. San Antonio can have its dynasty but who’s to say Cleveland isn’t next? The Spurs are a formidable team. I do hope we avoid the sweep but if that doesn’t happen, I’m just happy we got to see this excitement. Doesn’t the picture to the right look awesome? By the way, congratulations to LeBron James on the birth of his son.

Also, just days remain before my European trip. I’m going into this thing without any expectations. I can’t actually believe that it’s happening. I hope to blog a little, if I have the time from The Netherlands, Switzerland and France. I have so little done and have so little time to get it accomplished but at least my passport came in time. I will have plenty of material to talk about when I get back from the trip.

Blog Update (1:44pm) – I just finished a new personal record, 7 miles.  I wished I’d known the benefits of running a long time ago.  I feel awesome a run.  Go me!

Say It Isn’t So Mr. Wizard…

You know how you just look up to people even though sometimes you don’t know them? For me, Don Herbert was one of those people.

Many people know him better as Mr. Wizard. He taught science to generations of people.

For baby boomers, they came to know him on his show “Watch Mr. Wizard. I saw him growing up on Nickelodeon on the show “Mr. Wizard’s World” in the 80’s. He taught everyone science didn’t have to be boring and could even be fun.

What kind of an effect did he have on America? When “Late Night with David Letterman” debuted in 1982, Herbert was among the first-night guests.

You would have to credit him with the success of Nickelodeon, his show was among the first on the cable channel.

So rest in peace, Mr. Wizard, we’ll miss your science lessons!

What Will Game Three Be?

Cleveland is ready for Game 3 but are the Cavaliers? They’ll have to bring it tonight or it’s all but over! From a pep rally on the Mall, “Rise Up” jerseys on the Terminal Tower, a giant “Z” poster on a parking lot to a 40-some foot replica of the NBA Championship trophy, Cleveland is decorated up for the national spotlight.

Photo credit: John Kosich
(personal running journal: 6 miles – I haven’t been doing a good job with updating this each time but it’s really for me anyhow so…)


I assume most of you have heard but I did get a promotion at work. I’m now an Executive Producer. I’m excited about the new challenge. It’ll be good experience for me. You don’t need to send me presents or money (however, I’ll still accept them!) I will take your comments of congratulations though.

Thanks for reading!

Game Two… Not So Good!

Well, two games into the NBA Finals and to say the Cavaliers are having a little trouble with the San Antonio Spurs would be a big understatement.

The team looks flat and are having problems with just about everything. When was the last time you saw LeBron shoot an airball at the line? Meanwhile, the Spurs can’t miss, they just throw up the ball and somehow it finds the basket, seemingly on its own. I know too well the slogan, “Don’t Mess With Texas”.

Here’s the exciting part of these Finals, downtown Cleveland is decked out in everything Cavs. The lights in office windows on the former BP Building spell out “Go Cavs” and “Rise Up”. Fathead put up a supersized “Z” on the side of one of the parking garages. There’s an oversized NBA Finals trophy out front of the Quicken Loans Arena. It’s been there for a while but you’ll still find the LeBron mural overlooking Ontario Avenue. It’s there partly because Ohio Governor Ted Strickland got involved and made sure ODOT crews didn’t take it down.

Over the course of the next few days, Cleveland wins no matter what the Cavs do on the court. Media from all over the nation, fans and celebrities will visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame city. Millions of dollars will be spent and put a boost in Cleveland’s economy.

So Rise Up Cavs and Rise Up Cleveland. It’s bound to be a good time even if the Cavs don’t make it back to San Antonio.

A Day At The Driving Range

I had some good drives, but my driver didn’t have as good of a day. The ball sailed off the tee but so did my club head. Guess it’s time for a new driver. Take a look at the picture. A shaft minus the club. Not good.

The NBA Finals

Here we are on the afternoon of the Game One of the NBA Finals.

It’s the Cleveland Cavaliers vs. the San Antonio Spurs. Tons of talk has gone into the hype of this match-up. Many people agree the Spurs have the upper hand but if there’s a team or a town who wants this Championship more, it’s Cleveland.

There will be a lot of sleepy people tomorrow reporting for work. The games start at 9pm and probably won’t be over until around 11:30pm each night. Depending on how the game goes, many people will likely stay up to watch the post game on NewsChannel 5/ABC afterwards.

You may or may not know his name but the Spurs Bruce Bowen gets the daunting task of trying to control LeBron James. Can it be done?

Most of the hype surrounding the NBA Finals is around one guy and his name has already been mention, LeBron James. Nike just released a new “Witness” campaign. He even has Ohio’s Governor Ted Strickland on his side. Strickland told ODOT to leave the giant mural of James alone.

So how will The NBA Finals play out? Steve Kerr says The Cavs have the defense to make this close, but San Antonio is too good. He’s picking the Spurs in six games.

We’ll see…

“They Can Be Dangerous?”

Do people really think roller-shoes don’t come with risks? Let’s see, we’ll put a wheel inside of kids’ shoes and no one will get hurt! Have you seen the warning from The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons? They’re recommending helmets, wrist protectors and knee and elbow pads for kids who wear wheeled shoes. Heely’s is one of the most popular makers of these shoes. It’s become such a big market that it recently landed atop BusinessWeek’s annual list of fastest growing companies.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports from September 2005 through December 2006, one person died and at least 64 others were hurt because of the roller-shoes.

Want to get these shoes for your children? Listen to nine-year-old Noah Woelfel’s story. The Maryland child tripped and fell, breaking several fingers and wrist bones in his right hand last year.

Of course, you’ll find a safety warning on the shoebox warning children should use wear protective gear. But do kids and parents actually follow that advice? Kids aren’t going to willingly wear all of that garb while going to the mall or school. Many of those places are actually banning heeleys.

My thought, we all did a lot of crazy and unsafe things when we were kids and survived. Sure, we have a couple of scars and even some crooked fingers because of it but again, we survived. Let kids be kids, most parents know the implied threat of injury when they purchase these shoes. If you buy them, just be prepared for a potential trip to the emergency room.

Summer Viewing

Here’s some news that’s sure to have you reaching for the DVR or Tivo. CBS is once again rolling out another season of Big Brother. The eighth season will premiere Thursday July 5th on CBS.

Producer Arnold Shapiro has left the show and apparently with his exit, a change is coming to the show.

Let’s hope there are some good housemates again this year. Bring it on!

UPDATE: I just saw a promo for the new season, however, they used canned shots of past seasons and some of the most popular contestants. The spot’s tag says Coming In July.