Cavs vs. Lakers

This blog is quickly becoming the diary of my life. I got the chance to see the Cavs take on the Lakers at the “Q” Sunday. A wild day to say the least, I ended up at Morton’s with a nice filet and good conversation. Oh, by the way, I’ll have some of that award-winning free water you like to serve with the meal here at your famous restaurant. Oh, what a night! “Todd, just go to the game with me”, Katie says. 8 hours later, I arrive back home. What else are you going to do on a Sunday afternoon and evening right? It was fun even if Kobe couldn’t miss a shot from the line and LeBron was having some trouble hitting the hoop. Cavs win, 99 – 90 with some last minute nailbiting in the 4th quarter. Props to Jeff for the tix!

Breaking News and More Breaking News…

No one could have imagined the events that happened this week. First, an astronaut traveled hundreds of miles, wearing diapers, allegedly trying to kill a woman supposedly trying to win the attention of her love interest. This was a 24 news channel’s dream story. It had all of the elements to allow MSNBC, CNN and FOX to do stories for the next two weeks solid.

But hold the phone…

“Newsflash: Anna Nicole Smith rushed to a hospital… check that, Law Official says Anna Nicole Smith is dead… wait, we’ve just gotten word that Anna Nicole Smith died.”

Forget what happened with the astronaut. This is the story that will be fodder for all of the cable news channels and any other “news” outlet for months. Who will get the baby? Who’s the baby’s father? Who will inherit all of Anna Nicole’s millions? What about the pending lawsuit against Anna Nicole and TrimSpa? What about her son’s mysterious death? The questions will go on forever. And we’re not even going to venture into conspiracy theory land.

Don King held a news conference to talk about Anna Nicole. Zsa Zsa’s husband admit he’s had a 10 year affair with Anna Nicole. Former WWE wrestler, Chyna, fought with the wife of TrimSpa’s CEO, Alex Goen fighting over whether Chyna was stalking Anna Nicole. Entertainment Tonight is “breaking” news about the latest on the investigation.

Strap yourself in, this is going to be a long media circus because who knows when poor Anna Nicole will ever be buried or finally put to rest.


You really don’t feel like running a marathon when you have a cold or sinus infection or whatever I have. It’s crappy because I can’t or don’t want to think about doing anything else than sitting here in the La-Z-Boy wrapped up in covers watching television. I can’t call off work because it’s sweeps. If it weren’t, I’d be calling off today for sure.

It’s cold outside and I’m not looking forward to going out into it. Normally, I love the cold and the snow. Yep, that’s right, I love snow. You’d like it too if you’d lived in Southern Texas for two years. It may sound like paradise to some people but sweating as soon as you walk outside isn’t my thought of happiness.

On a good note, I did get caught up on several DVR’d programs; American Idol, Two and A Half Men. Coming up on American Idol, the audition pear-down, I’m not so excited about it. It’s the most boring part of the show. Let’s just get on to the performances and the cast offs.

Oh, on another topic, I’m urging you to watch “Heroes” on NBC this Monday night. Just when I think it couldn’t get any better, it does. (Sorry for the cliche) It’s an addicting show and I’m hoping you will get addicted just like me.


My apologies to but if you haven’t seen “Heroes” on NBC, please check it out. It’s on Monday nights at 9pm. (check your local listings if you’re not in the Eastern time zone)

It’s a sci-fi series about several people who come to find out they possess supernatural powers. One of the characters is a Texas cheerleader who realizes she can heal herself. Mystery surrounds her father, who is trying to control all of the humans who have these powers. Later, we find out he’s really not her biological dad.

We’ve already been introduced to several of the other characters, one of which can mimic others’ powers, another can control time, yet another one can fly and another one of them can walk through walls.

You can see all of the episodes by going to They are all available to watch.

So what is my DVR (see Bruce, I know the difference) list?

  • “Two & A Half Men”
  • “How I Met Your Mother”
  • “Heroes”‘
  • “Mile High” – A BBC America series
  • “American Idol” – It’s a guilty pleasure, I’m watching the Birmingham auditions right now.

Auto Show

Jennie at the Auto Show, it’s up and good! By the way, she’s covering up the guy’s “private” area because we noticed his fly was down. Oops!