Rainy Days & Mondays…

Well, they always get me down, or do they end up getting me up?

First off, what I am doing awake at this time of the morning?

Okay, you’ve heard enough about this mild winter we’ve been having but I’m really getting sick of this rain. Yeah, I know that some people would think I’m crazy but I’d rather have the cold and snow.

Take a look at the NWS radar picture to the left, from Detroit to Cleveland and Akron, rain, not snow falling on January 15th. Yep, that’s right, January. Below Canton, it’s 50-something degreees right now.

Local ski resorts aren’t happy with this Winter’s weather forecasts either. I can tell you for a fact that the ski resorts don’t look like this today. They’ve been able to make some snow but there aren’t that many trails open for skiing.

Isn’t this one of the reason why I came back to this area? By the way, the forecast high for South Texas is 55 degrees. Go back two paragraphs and find out how warm it is right now in Northern Ohio.

Be sure to watch that post when we get some snow, I’ll be sure to include a picture of that event. We did get some snow earlier this season but it wasn’t much. (See this previous post)

There is some mixed good news however, Power of 5 HD Meteorologist Susanne Horgan says the weather will turn colder in the afternoon around Northern Ohio with a chance of snow showers by mid to late afternoon. There will be little or no accumulation. Over the next few days, the temperatures will be cold enough for the resorts to make some snow. The extended forecast looks even more favorable and winterlike.

Propelled by Propel

What is it with this “fitness drink” that makes you want to down a bottle it every five minutes. I think they’ve put an addictive chemical in it that makes you crave it fortnightly. I’m hooked on the stuff. It makes drinking a bunch of water easier than just chugging a glass of H2O. Wal-Mart knows the stuff is addicting. They have it out in the “falling prices” aisle all of the time. It’s always $2.97

So what’s good and what’s not so good? The new Propel calcium flavors are okay. I don’t mind the Mixed Berry or the Mango. I have heard mixed reviews about the Mandarin Orange. Some claims it tastes like baby aspirin. I don’t mind the taste of baby aspirin so I don’t mind the Mandarin Orange. There’s always one of the original flavors, Lemon, but I grow tired of it quickly. I can drink the Kiwi-Strawberry but it’s a last resort. I stick mostly with the Berry, Peach, Black Cherry. I stay away from the Melon (yuck!) and Grape (too sugary tasting).

Right now, I’m downing a Lemon Propel. I don’t drink pop or soda anymore. Have you seen the studies about soda even diet soda’s link to weight gain? For me, it’s either propel or lemonade. I don’t do caffeine or coffee either. Accuse me of not having enough variety in my life, but I’ll still be happy avoiding the Coke & Pepsi products. Oh, by the way, there are 10 different flavors of Propel, now that’s variety!

The Pub Table Arrives!

I’ve experimented a couple of times on where to put the pub table I got from Bombay Company. I didn’t like it this way on the other side of the picture. There isn’t enough room for the person sitting next to the wall to comfortably enjoy the dining experience.

Here’s a shot of it on the “good” wall under the picture. I also think I’m gonna have to find another picture for the other “bad” wall and possibly something to stick that vase on!

Note: before anyone gets crazy, those aren’t the bar stools that I’m going to use. They are there for effect right now. I can’t get everything at once. Geesh!

The pub table from the opposite angle.

Been A Long Time…

Preface: The holiday hustle & bustle has kept me from blogging in a timely fashion. Believe me, I’ve heard from the people who say I should get back to work.

I will not look back fondly at 2006. I am, however, optimistic about what lies ahead in 2007. It holds endless possibilities for me and the rest of my life.

I’m still searching for just the right pub table to complete my dining room. I’ve found one at Bombay and it’s on sale so I may go for it. I’m also looking for a good futon for the second bedroom.

So what did Christmas hold for me? I got some new shoes and they are stylish. My mother found them for a deal. I got some new sheets for my bed. Some new Hollister cologne. My traditional proof set. Some gift cards and last but not least, a comic book and toy snowmobile from my nephew. (late edit) And a fish tank delivered by Santa UPS from Bruce & Jennie!

Here’s to 2007 and all it will bring!

Happy Christmas

Okay, here’s the deal, I don’t like “Merry Christmas”. I know I’ll be met with some opposition, some saying I’m un-American for saying so but I’ve always thought “Merry” was a little awkward. Thinking back through the past year, I’ve only used the word when referring to my Aunt, who is named “Mary”. Never I have wished anyone a “Merry” birthday, or a “Merry” day. I’ve always used the word, “Happy” to imply my deepest positive thoughts for an event or a day. When I think “Merry”, I think medieval or old school.

I don’t want anyone trying to accuse me of trying to emulate the British because they say “Happy Christmas”, instead of “Merry Christmas” but maybe they have a good notion going.

For the record, you will not be getting a “Merry Christmas” out of me this year, it will most definitely be a “Happy” one, but expressed with the same sentiment as the “Merry Christmas” of days gone by.

So feed the world and “Happy Christmas!”


Ever just wonder where you came from… Who roamed this land before you were even thought of?
I’ve been doing some research on my family tree and found some interesting things.
My great, great, great grandfather served in the Civil War for the Union. I even have a picture of him. You can see it to the right of this paragraph.
He’s my mother’s mother’s father’s father’s father. Follow that?
I’m getting all of these pictures for a project I’m working on for my family. I must admit, it’s very interesting and almost enlightening to find out about your family tree.
I’m lucky to have a person in our family who’s been scanning and keeping all of these pictures!