Election Day!

Okay, no matter where you are in the U.S. today, get out and exercise your right to vote. If you do, you can say you took part in democracy. If you don’t, then don’t complain about the outcome of the Election. I’m not going to tell you what to think, cast your ballot on your beliefs. If you like smoking, vote pro smoking. If you want people to not smoke in public places, then do so. If you are Democrat, vote that way. If you’re Republican, vote that way. I hope by now, you’re getting the drift of my post.

No matter what people may say, your vote counts, this midterm election is a very important one around the country. It is, especially, important in many swing states. It could mean a shift in the balance of power in Washington, D.C. This election is very important no matter which party you belong to.

Also, I hope this election is over without all of the problems of past elections.


Ohio State Downs Illinois

Ohio State rolled past Illinois. Nope, it wasn’t the thrashing from last week at Minnesota but as Jim Tressel says it’s a win and we’ll take it.

The countdown to Michigan on November 18th continues. It will be the game of games. Stay tuned sports fans.
And are you ready for your Cleveland Cavaliers? Oh yeah, if there’s a season the wine and the gold has a chance, it’s this year. LeBron and the boys are back and they’re thinking Championship, not just playoffs this time. Oh, the coverage! Look out! I’m going out with a bunch of people tonight to watch the game at a local BW-3’s. It should be fun. Okay, side note, I am tired of the LeBron hype, nothing personal Mr. James but even you’d have to agree it’s a little crazy. You’re good and everyone knows it. Go out there and play good basketball and win a championship and everyone will BELIEVE!

OSU Mauls Minnesota

No. 1 Ohio St. 44, Minnesota 0

That score says it all. OSU’s dominated Minnesota. There were a couple of fumbles {argh!} but even with the mistakes, Minnesota couldn’t get on the board.

Antonio Pittman rushed for touchdown for the Buckeyes. Chris Wells and Justin Zwick also put scores on the board.

Ohio State Alum, Jack Nicklaus, “dotted the “i” in the band’s signature, Script Ohio.

Oh, how everyone is waiting for the regular-season finale pitting OSU against that number 2 team from up north on November 18 at the horseshoe.


Midnight Money Madness

If you haven’t watched it, it’s too late! Midnight Money Madness was a call-in show on TBS that recently got cancelled or put on hiatus. It was my late night viewing after I got home from work.

I never called in or tried because it seemed scammy but the hosts on the show are awesome. The always beautiful and charming Jerilee Bonner, the ingenuitive comedic humor of Danny Seckel, and the sporadic warm-heartedness humor of Craig Jackson kept the show going.

The games they played were simple but people actually got them wrong. You can find a Wikipedia entry about the show by clicking here.

Classic Song Flashback – Money
(That’s What I Want) – Barrett Strong

A Sad Day…

One of the dearest couples I’ve ever known are no longer together, Martha Donahoo has passed away after a long illness. Del and Martha were sweethearts for more than 50 years. Both of them made everyone they knew feel like they were part of their family. Martha went everywhere Del did, making sure he had everything he needed for his television reports. She woke up early with him to make sure he had breakfast at 3:30am before he went to WKYC for work. But, unfortunately in the end, it was him that had to care for her. My heart breaks for Del and his loss. I first met Martha in person some 15 years ago when they traveled to Wooster for a personal appearance. A couple of city leaders gave Martha, Del, a cameraman, a me a tour of a couple downtown buildings for Del’s story. Martha never let me forget that time. I felt like I’ve knew Martha earlier because Del mentioned her so much on “Today in Cleveland” when I was growing up. We’d watch it while waiting for the school bus. Martha was a great lady and she will be missed by so many people.

The Vista Gamble

Yep, just like every other computer freak out there, I want to try Windows Vista on for size. Do I do my desktop or my laptop? It’s a toss-up because both of them are as important as the other so I chose my laptop. While I’m writing this, the laptop is tirelessly upgrading itself to Windows Vista. It’s taken a long time already. The fact it says “The installation could take hours to complete” is also a little scary!

Nervous? You bet I’m nervous but I feel a little safe because I did a disk image of my laptop before upgrading.

But Microsoft was nice (sic) enough to release the software in the beta form, so I was inclined to download it, made a backup and wait. Not that tough, the Browns are winning so I’m watching them and typing this blog. I don’t want to utter a word about the progress, I don’t want to jinx the installation. I’ll update soon with a report about how things are going.

UPDATE: Okay, I’m still writing this on my Toshiba laptop running XP. Even though I know my BIOS on the computer is fully ACPI compliant. I get a blue screen of death at the re-boot of my computer. It asks that I contact my system’s maker to get an upgrade. However, my laptop is supposed to be fully ACPI compliant. This isn’t the first time a Windows installation has had problems with this sort of thing. So until, Microsoft changes its code or Toshiba releases new BIOS for my laptop. Not cool!

Classic Song Flashback: The Gambler – Kenny Rogers