Jason Mraz Concert

Okay, I didn’t get to meet Mraz, let’s call it a little Mraz mix-up. Sure he would have been better off having met me but it’s all good. No problem Skippy!

The concert was great. I do have one thing that I did feel during the concert, TIRED. Jason didn’t help that fact by playing ballad after ballad. If I didn’t have three hours of sleep before I went to the concert things would have been much different. It was, on the whole, a great concert. I’m listening to his CD right now. We did a chicken dance-like routine to “Make It Mine”. “I’m Yours” was awesome. I heard the live version of the song online so I was familiar with how he sang the song live.

I may add more to this later but I wanted to put the pictures up.

Good concert and a great night!!

A Relaxing Week

I feel the holidays coming my way.

I couldn't be happier because I scored Thanksgiving and Black Friday off this year. Don't look for me to be getting up early this year like last year.

I am going to Jason Mraz tonight and I get to meet him. Thanks 'Becca.

I am happy to be able to spend Thanksgiving with my family. It will be a special.

I will no doubt post some pix from the concert tonight, look for them.


WGAR Mention

Okay, I didn’t get mentioned by name but here’s something funny my friend, Molly, e-mailed me this afternoon.

She says she was listening to WGAR 99.5FM this morning, and they were talking about freak accidents or something.

A guy called in and said he used to wash windows. He was on a cherry picker and it malfunctioned, he jumped off of it moments before it free fell two stories before crashing into someone’s window and then bounced off several balconies.

She says she immediately thought that his story sounded exactly like what happened to me.

At the end of his story the guy mentioned that the person whose window he broke was a producer at Channel 5.

It was my story! How funny!

If you don’t know what I’m talking about you’ll find all of the details on a past blog entry. I also posted a picture of the outside of my building.

About two weeks ago, I found another shard of glass in my bedroom.

What’s more hilarious and random is that I talked with Jim Mantel this morning and he knew that I was from NewsChannel 5 and he didn’t mention the story.


[thanks to Molly for helping write this post, I basically just edited her e-mail. that’s laziness at its best]

Where’s taawd?

Okay, I’m like this uber-blogger and then I hardly do any blogging for days on a time… What gives Mr. taawd? I’ve been busy. RL as they say on the Internet. RL=Real Life.

I did want you to see this however, even though Allison beat me to it. Check out Beyonce’s new video with a twist thanks to the Bonnie Hunt show, which is on WEWS/Channel 5. 🙂

You’ll have to go to this URL because Bonnie Hunt’s Show won’t let youtube allow us to embed the video on blogs. Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6ExgUW6ak8.

Work has dominated a lot of my time. We’re highlighting local Cleveland radio morning shows. Radio people are people I enjoy. They’re cool, hip and quick on the humor. My theory about radio and television people is simple. Radio people want to be on television and television people want to be in the radio clique. For one reason or another, each of us picked either radio or television so we’re envious of the other person’s industry. I’ve been talking to all sorts of radio stations getting their appearances on Good Morning Cleveland all set-up.

I have a fun weekend planned. Let’s just say I’m going to spend some time with the ‘rents this Saturday. It should be a nice return trip to Wayne County. I think we’ll eat at “The Barn”. You find more details about the restaurant on this blog.

So speaking of food, time to get some for myself. Hmmm, someone say Ro K?

Here Comes Winter

We’re supposed to get some snow tonight and the forecast looks like it’s going to be cold and/or snow all this week. Yep, I love it.

We’re going to go through the first big morning of snowfall at work. That means making sure everyone knows about about school closings/delays, traffic and what’s coming next. We have the Power of 5 at work so those 5 live doppler radars will be providing a good look at what’s coming our way.

Sure, Greater Cleveland has been through this before but it’s time to remember how to learn how to drive on snow and/or slick streets.

I have to go to Target this week because my bachelor refrigerator is once again living up to its name. I have a little work to do before I fall to sleep before heading into work this morning. Ah, I love bundling up for work instead of doing the button-down shirt and dress pants thing.

I’m happy to experience the seasons!

Saturday Surprise

I’m excited about tonight. I’m not going to spend the night at Rock Bottom, it’s still awesome, but I’m going to venture outside of the land of the Cleves for a little dinner at a place in Lakewood. I also have a stop at one of my favorite Cleveland haunts. I’ll talk more about them tomorrow after this evening.

Sometimes it’s nice to do something different and experience places where you haven’t gone before too much. I’d argue with anyone that there’s nothing to do in Greater Cleveland. Finding things to do in the fall is a little more challenging than finding stuff in the middle of summer. Quite frankly, I’m happy to be free of all of the summer events. We’ll do them all again next year and it’ll be fun.

For now, it’s time to embrace what’s coming our way, more fall and winter. There’s skiing to be done this winter, I’m looking forward to it because I have some new skis. I can’t wait to get them out on the slopes. Hopefully, I’ll get to go to New York for the first time to see what those slopes are like. I also suppose I have to invest in some of the newest skiware, you don’t want to be seen on the slopes without the proper attire. It’s been a while, no snow skiing in South Texas.

Fall and winter bring the holidays and I’m looking forward to them more this year than ever. It’s going to be great. There is a lot of activities on the horizon. Still more Browns games with Kevin and one that Kevin is taking a pass on and allowing me to take someone. Jason Mraz, with backstage possibilities, two days before Thanksgiving, then there’s the holiday and then a Colts vs. Browns game.

I also have to get a trip to Detroit in before it gets nasty out there. Maybe I’ll cross into Canada to stop at one of my favorite places across the border, I hope it’s still there. It’s called Kildare House and it’s great. I fell in love with the little joint when I lived in Michigan.

Finally, I want to congratulate my friend, Beau, for his upcoming wedding in February. I’m going down to South Texas (specifically South Padre Island) for the big event. I’m confident he’s found a girl who he’s prepared to spend the rest of his life with. It’s amazing how things change so fast. He’s one of my great friends and I’m happy to be part of his wedding. It’s truly special when someone asks you to stand up for them during a wedding ceremony and I’ll happily do so. So congratulations Beau & Angel, I can’t wait to be there for that special day in February.

But what I’m looking forward to most of all right now, is a special surprise night this evening,

Guardian Angels

My great grandmothers. I’m blessed to have known both of them. I just wish I could have known them longer. Their influence on my life is evident everyday.

I found this picture while looking through a bunch of others. I just wanted to share them with everyone. They each were different women and each have remarkable stories about raising large families and loving every one.

The Inner Working Of My Brain

Welcome to an intimate tour of my brain. Don’t expect too much!

I just had to laugh out loud because I went to get something in one room, let’s say the bathroom and I walked into the other bathroom. My brain was on auto-pilot. Maybe it’s because of my lack of sleep, maybe it’s because I have too much on my mind or maybe it’s just because I’m not that spry thinking young 20-something anymore. Hey everyone take note, getting older isn’t necessarily fun.

For some reason staring at someone or something seems to focus me. I get caught all of the time looking at someone and they’re all like “why are you starting at me?” and I’m all like “I’m trying to remember something and you’re helping me do that.” and they’re all like “Oh, it’s kinda creepy.” and I’m all like “Oh, sorry, I just remembered what I needed to remember.” and they’re all like “Your welcome… {roll eyes}”

Sometimes I wonder if I’ve become a creature of habit. I try to drive different ways to and from work so that I don’t get my car in a rut. About every time that I’ve moved I’ve taken the wrong way home at least once, heading to my old place instead of my new one. That’s how my brain works. Sometimes I wonder if my brain is more like the auto-pilot from “Airplane” or the one that really helps real pilots fly a plane.

This is the end of the nickel tour of taawd’s brain. Other parts of the facility are currently off limits for your own safety.