Cereal Freak!

Okay, I admit it, I LOVE cereal. Maybe because I’m a bachelor, maybe it’s because it’s easy, maybe because it’s always been my comfort food.

I eat it for breakfast, I could eat it for lunch, dinner and even before bed. A trip to the store with me includes a trip down the cereal aisle. I get obsessive compulsive about cereal. I go through phases. There was the time when I ate five bowls of Raisin Bran one day, I won’t tell you the consequences.

Then there is Cap’n Crunch… I believe it is the Devil’s cereal. You can leave a box in the back of your cupboard and it’ll stay crunchy. There isn’t the slightest bit of staleness. You can soak it in milk and that stuff stays crunchy. It also does the Devil’s work… you can eat it and it’ll tear the livin’ heck out of your mouth. I still love it, especially with Crunch Berries.

The cereals I love:
Cookie Crisp
Fruity Pebbles
Golden Grahams
Raisin Bran (Kellogg’s Only)
Apple Jacks
Sugar Smacks
Corn Pops (Thanks Matt for reminding me!!)
(I think I could go on…)

The cereals I hate:
Chocolatey cereals
Peanut Butter cereals
cereals that look like they include tree twigs

I’m off to get another gallon of milk,

What Can Brown Do For You?

For me, it can make my blog look a lot better. Now, I believe I’ve joined the ranks of Mel and Alexa and have somewhat of a professional looking blog. Do you get the whole Cleveland Browns color scheme?

The big facelift didn’t come easy. I tried to get it close to where I wanted it before I took off the bandages and let the world see what the new ‘do looked like.

I’ve got some tweaks to make but this blog design will stay with me for a while. I’ve got tabs (more to come) along with a good blogroll. You’ll notice some more tweaks over the next few weeks. Don’t be scared, click away.

Other good news to report, I think I’m winning the battle of my new computer. I’ve been trying to fix it while sharing the time trying to get the blog updated. It still freezes up on me every now and then so I have to figure out what’s causing it to malfunction.

{rolls eyes} I need sleep!

Save The Date

I hope you’ll save the date of Thursday, August 21st for a wine tasting fundraiser for the Ohio Canal Corridor. It’s called “A TOAST TO THE TRAIL”.

Q-104’s Rebecca Wilde will play emcee for the brand new event to support the OCC.

The event goes from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM at The Atrium at Blue Point. It is located at 700 West St. Clair Ave. in Cleveland’s Historic Warehouse District.

I’ll have more details coming up. The price per person is $75.00.

If you live downtown, you’ll benefit from the work the OCC is doing. Read more about the Towpath Trail.

See you there!

Migraines, Meet-Ups & Machine Mayhem

First, I successfully kicked the butt of a migraine. I went into work this morning, suffered through the night with a light sensitive, noise avoiding, low-tolerance head knocking pain. I managed it through the morning newscast but I couldn’t take it anymore so I had to head home. After a few drugs and forced hours of sleep later, I am happy to say it’s gone but I still have that numb feeling going on.

After reading some of my fellow Cleveland bloggers (you can check them out, most are listed on the side of the page) I have to admit a little jealousy that these cool people are meeting up and I haven’t been invited lucky enough to attend one of their little conventions. I hope that will change. Alexa should get the ball rolling for a informal/formal meeting of all of us. It’s just a nomination, no pressure.

Finally, I took a trip to Micro Center yesterday and got a bunch of new components to put together a new computer. I have a lot of good stuff from an old machine, so it wasn’t that expensive. The good news is, it’s fast!! The bad news is, it freezes up and that means slow! There are a bunch of things that may not be correct with the setup. My neighbor, who hooked the thing up for me, is out of town for two days so I’m just going to have to wait until he gets back to get the thing working. Please say a little computer prayer or keep me in your computer thoughts because this sort of thing drives me batty. I’ll obsess about it until the thing works right. I conquered the migraine, I’ll claim victory over it too!

I Need A Bike

All of the cool kids are doing it now-a-days, biking!

I think I can cut down on my walking and my gas bill by getting a bicycle. Target has one on sale for under a $100. I just need two wheels, a frame and a comfortable seat.

So, here’s my question, will cheaper bike affect my ride? What should I look for when buying a bicycle. I’m not going to ride the Tour de France so it doesn’t have to be built from airplane grade aluminum. I just want something that will get me from point A to point B without a big wedgie and leaving me feel like I just peddled to the Point.

I’d appreciate your comments and suggestions!

Gavin DeGraw at the Cleveland House Of Blues

The stage before Gavin came out.
Gavin Uplugged, sort of…
A very small crowd. Q104’s winner and her closest 12 friends. There were also a couple of radio and television people there too.
Gavin talking with Jen Tuohey on Q104. I don’t know what Rebecca is doing.

I was lucky to get the chance to go to the “meet & greet” with Gavin DeGraw Friday night at House of Blues. He was very personable. He played “Chariot“, “Cheated On Me” (which I really like), and a song he called “The Drinking Song“.

After the songs, he came down and talked to us for a bit. He suggested we see the movie, “Sweet & Lowdown“. It’s a Woody Allen film and said if we ever got the chance to see this 80’s cover metal band in Las Vegas. I hate 80’s & 90’s big hair bands.

At any rate, I’m going to check out a lot more of Gavin’s music. Awesome stuff.

Afterward, we headed over to Flannery’s to see my friend, Scott Smith, play a set. I was glad my friends liked Scott. He does such a great job! He’s playing again tonight at Flannery’s if you’re looking for something to do. Please check him out!!

Gavin DeGraw and me

The concert was great. The “meet & greet” before was even better. We got a chance to talk to him for about 15 minutes. He’s very down to earth. I’ll have a review on the concert and more later.