Good Karma Sunday

I had a good Sunday. It turned out in no way like I assumed it would the night before when I went to bed.

I got up and picked up trash from the street in front of my place. It’s amazing what people will throw away. The area looks a little trashy under the Superior Viaduct. I think that’s part of the reason people litter like they do. If there were beautification of the area, I don’t think we’d see as much trash. I picked up a Target bag full of garbage. Many of the items were beer bottles but I also found fast food leftovers, a flip-flop and a lot of handbills promoting a cruise on the Nautica Queen. People just peel them off their car windows and throw them on the ground.

I gave a friend a ride home to the East side. I don’t go over to that side of town often because I don’t have any reason to do so. I figured I’d call my friend, Missy, and see if she wanted to have brunch. We ate at Eat ‘n Park. I asked for no peppers on my omelet but got them anyhow. I could have complained but why. By the way, there was a man at the checkout complaining about something. Not as good of a day for the folks at Eat ‘n Park.

I also figured I’d drop by my sister’s home. My nephews weren’t home at the time but they arrived they were suprised to see me. It was hot as heck so I took the opportunity to swim in their pool. They’d just opened the pool so we made a whirlpool. It was fun for them but it was all to clean the pool and get all of the leaves and sticks into the center so we could clean them up easier. My littlest nephew, Ayden, is getting bigger and he’s even rolling over onto his stomach. He doesn’t like being in that position that long though.

After getting a lot of sun (I’m burnt), I hurried home to attend Yoga, yes, Yoga! It was a free class and say what you will but it’s HARD! If you haven’t tried it, you have no room to make any fun. I couldn’t believe the trainer who was “practicing” next to me. She got into poses that I couldn’t ever see myself doing. They claim everyone has that potential. One of the big parts of yoga is breathing but you almost forget to do it when you’re concentrating on trying to keep your balance and not falling over.

One of the strange moments for me was when you allow your foot you were stretching to come back to rest on the foot. You’ve just spent about 20-25 minutes stretching that side of your body. When you allow it to rest on the floor, I felt two things. The first was that it was actually longer than the other side of my body. A really weird feeling! What was even stranger for me was trying to find the floor with my heel. I thought it would be about a foot higher than it was. It felt like I was extending my leg below floor level. Think of the feeling you have when you are going down steps and think there is another one there and it’s not.

I rushed home and went to bed only to be woken up a couple of times but the feeling of the sunburn in my shoulders and arms. Still, even with the sunburn, it was a good, positive Sunday, one I wouldn’t have predicted.

Ro k Bott m in Chicago!

Apparently Chicago’s Rock Bottom sign works. The Cleveland location’s ‘m’ was on the fritz last night. Photo credit to Jason for the proof from Chicago.

Wii Have Zelda

I don’t own a Wii but I partially own a game for the game console. We bought The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

I’m not by any means a gamer but I have always liked the Zelda games. We’ve played the game for about 37 hours now. It keeps a tab on your gameplay. At any rate, if it wasn’t for IGN, we probably wouldn’t be as far along as we are right now. They have a walkthrough on their website that has helped get us through a couple of spots we couldn’t figure out for ourselves. We are now at the Hyrule Castle. From the looks of it, we have plenty of game left. One of the toughest parts for us so far was getting the covered wagon to the town without it catching fire. You can keep putting it out but the trick was killing the birds overhead. They are the enemies you really need to worry about because they drop bombs. With them gone, the wagon will follow the path and arrive at the town. We must have sent a hour trying to figure it out. It’s a fun game. A good way to check out of life for a while and forget about everything.

I Thought I’d Left South Texas!

I have to admit I thought it was Harlingen when I went to work this morning. It was in the 70's and steamy. We were just missing that trademark Gulf Coast breeze, the one Lake Erie could never provide. I know we were close to breaking a record today. I wonder if that happened.

Continental Announces Job Cuts & Reductions

I don’t normally put “news” on my blog but this is Continental’s news release about cuts and reductions. Since it maintains a hub in Cleveland, I’m including it as a post. It’s also my preferred airline.

Continental today is announcing significant reductions in flying and staffing that are necessary for the company to further adjust to today’s extremely high cost of fuel. These actions are among many steps Continental is taking to respond to record-high fuel prices as the industry faces its worst crisis since 9/11.

The price of Gulf Coast jet fuel closed yesterday at $151.26 – about 75 percent higher than what it was a year ago. At that price and at our current capacity, our fuel expense this year would be $2.3 billion more than it was last year. That increase alone amounts to about $50,000 per employee.

These record fuel costs have fundamentally shifted the economics of our business. At these fuel prices, a large number of our flights are losing money, and Continental needs to react to this changed marketplace.

Network Changes
Starting in September, at the conclusion of the peak summer season, Continental will reduce its flights, with fourth quarter domestic mainline departures to be down 16 percent year-over-year.
This will result in a reduction of domestic mainline capacity (available seat miles, or ASMs) by 11 percent in the fourth quarter, compared to the same period last year.

By the end of next week, Continental will provide details on specific flights and destinations that are subject to reduction or elimination. For additional information on departures and capacity for 2008 and 2009.

Co-worker Impact
As a result of the capacity reductions, Continental will need fewer co-workers worldwide to support the reduced flight schedule.

About 3,000 positions, including management positions, will be eliminated through voluntary and involuntary separations, with the majority expected to be through voluntary programs.

The company will offer voluntary programs in an effort to reduce the number of co-workers who will be furloughed or involuntarily terminated due to the capacity cuts.

Details of these programs will be available next week.

The reductions will take effect after the peak summer season, except for management and clerical reductions, which will begin sooner.

In recognition of the crisis and its effect on their co-workers, Larry Kellner, chairman and chief executive officer, and Jeff Smisek, president, have declined their salaries for the remainder of the year and have declined any payment under the annual incentive program for 2008.

Fleet Changes
Continental will reduce the size of its fleet by removing the least efficient aircraft from its network.

To accomplish this, Continental is accelerating the retirement of its Boeing 737-300 and 737-500 fleets. In the first six months of 2008, Continental removed six older aircraft from service.

Continental will retire an additional 67 Boeing 737-300 and 737-500 aircraft, with 37 of these additional retirements occurring in 2008 and 30 in 2009.

Given the need for prompt capacity reductions in today’s environment, 27 of the 67 aircraft will be removed in September. By the end of 2009, all 737-300 aircraft will be retired from Continental’s fleet.

Continental will continue to take delivery of new, fuel-efficient NextGen Boeing
737-800s and 737-900ERs. Overall fuel efficiency will improve measurably as Continental takes delivery of 16 of these aircraft in the second half of 2008 and 18 in 2009 and accelerates the retirement of the older, less fuel-efficient aircraft as mentioned previously.

By the end of the second quarter of 2008, Continental will operate 375 mainline aircraft. Taking into account both the accelerated retirements and scheduled deliveries, Continental’s fleet count will shrink to 356 aircraft in September 2008 and 344 aircraft at the end of 2009.

The Soundtrack Of My Life

My newfound friend from Australia posted this meme on her blog and since I’m a music freak, I couldn’t resist posting on my page. You can check out her picks by visiting here.

Opening credits: Robbie Williams – Millennium
Waking up: Natalie Merchant – San Andreas Fault
Average day: Scott Smith – Lively
First date: Stevie Wonder – Isn’t She Lovely
Falling in Love: Ingrid Michaelson – The Way I Am
Love Scene: Colbie Caillat – Bubbly
Fight Scene: Seether – Fake It
Breaking up: Beyoncé – Irreplaceable
Getting Back Together: Mulberry Lane – Harmless
Secret Love: One Republic – Stop and Stare
Life’s Okay: Peter, Bjorn and John – Young Folks
Mental Breakdown: Barenaked Ladies – The Old Apartment
Driving: Kanye West – Stronger
Learning A Lesson: James Taylor – You’ve Got A Friend
Deep Thought: Klazz Brothers & Cuba PercussionAir
Flashback: Jack Johnson – Do You Remember
Partying: Tom Jones – Sex Bomb
Happy Dance: Maxine Nightengale – Right Back Where We Started From
Regretting: Maroon 5 – Won’t Go Home Without You
Long Night Alone: Mana – En El Muelle De San Blas
Death Scene: Sarah McLachlan – Angel
Closing Credits: Banana Pancakes – Jack Johnson

Folks, this isn’t easy. Try it yourself. I’ve always said I’d be for a way for me to hear music all of my life. I’d never get sick of it. What would be even better if the music somehow always would fit your emotions and what would be happening in your life. Although, I’m sure every now and then, I’d have to have a “pull the needle off the record” moment. Comic relief? Sure. Sometimes, the music probably would even alert me to what a putz I was being and I’d probably snap out of it. What do you think of my selections? Do you have any alternatives?

Two Person Life

One of my friends recently said something that hit home for me. He said he led a “two-person life”. I feel the same way.

When I arrive home, I look around and think how can one person create such a mess, where does all of the laundry come from, how can everything get so dusty and dirty so quickly, how can the carpet have crumbs and strands of fuzz all over it? I can barely keep up with everything.

Hence, the “two person life”. I need one more person around me to get things done, remember things and keep my life organized. By the time, I’m done with work, sleep and workout, I’m tired. Maybe not enough to sleep but just exhausted. I want to watch TV, surf the ‘net or just stare out my window.

The rest of my week will fly by because I have something planned every night. By the weekend, I’ll be exhausted and not even want to have any fun.

How do you get through your days, weeks and months?

Goodbye Yahoo! Mail?

My relationship with Yahoo! goes back years. I finally had ditched AOL and went surfing to find a new place to tell people to e-mail me. I found Yahoo!. It was a great relationship. I sent e-mail, I received e-mail, Yahoo! kept the spammers at bay, Yahoo! was there for me through the good and bad times.

I want my Yahoo! mail to go to my e-mail client. My Gmail account does this without any problem. Gmail even provides a tutorial on how to accomplish this. Yahoo! wants me to pay $19.99 for the service. I used a program that would allow me to get my Yahoo! fix in my e-mail client but now it won’t let me sent the e-mail I want. Yahoo!, I thought I knew you!

Now, I have to contemplate giving up my best e-mail friend and switching to Gmail exclusively or paying the $20 a year that Yahoo! wants for their e-mail “Plus” service.

I’m not going to be rash and rush to any decisions. I think Yahoo! does a much better job filtering spam than Gmail. Just compare the spam boxes in both and you’ll have to agree. My dealbreaker might be the lack of free accessibility for my mail.

Yahoo!, can’t we just be friends again?

Ah Crap! Now I Have To Dress Up!

I’m been bad recently. On a whim, I decide to agree to something, having not checked my schedule. (and to be honest, not necessarily thinking through the implications. I’m blaming lack of sleep.)

Tomorrow morning, I was supposed to have a celebratory breakfast with my boss. We were happy with some of the ratings we got during the May book so it was his way of giving back. About two or three weeks ago, I agreed to take part in a high school career day. I said yes, I did not check the fine print. I just said “sure”.

Now, I’m reading the fine print and I’m talking to 200+ students through the day. Remember, I work overnights. It should be over by 2:30 but that’s the time I normally wake up from my daytime nap. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to talk to students but I should have read the fine print. I also can’t wear my normal attire (blue jeans & a nice shirt) to the event. It’s business casual so I’m not wearing a suit. When you work behind-the-scenes in television, you dress up but not that dressed up.

I guess it’s time for a planner or maybe I should just start using my “Q” more efficiently.