CBS Monday Night Comedies

I don’t do drama, I’ve always been a sitcom kinda guy. Give me a traditional half-hour comedy and I’m watching it. I’ve never been hooked on “The Office”, I haven’t watched “Lost”, can’t seem to get “Grey’s Anatomy” and reality shows, for the most part, don’t hold my attention. American Idol and Big Brother are probably the only hold-outs. The traditional half-hour sitcom I talk about doesn’t exist much anymore. That’s why I love Monday nights on CBS. I’m a big fan of three of the four shows. To be fair, I haven’t given “Rules Of Engagement” much of a chance.

I was skeptical of “The Big Bang Theory” at the start. The Barenaked Ladies, one of my favorite bands, does the show’s open. It’s actually a song much like the sitcoms I watched growing up. The show’s finale aired Monday on CBS. What everyone wanted to happen did at the conclusion of the show. Leonard and Penny kiss just before the credits hit. You have to wonder what the date is going to be like but we’re going to have to wait until next season to find out. The show is well written and has a lot of great moments. The cast works fluidly as an ensemble with everyone getting their occasional jokes. I didn’t know where this show could go from the start, but I’m glad it has.

“How I Met Your Mother” had a great cliffhanger. It left you wondering about what’s going to happen next season. You learn that Barney may be in love with Robin. That was a definite surprise. Ted also proposed to Stella after their break-up, then reconciliation, then break-up then reconciliation. What will she say and isn’t Sara Chalke part of the “Scrubs” cast? That show is moving to ABC for its last season from NBC.

Finally, “Two and a Half Men” continues to provide great laughs but I didn’t think there was too much of a great cliffhanger to the show. It just kind of ended.

I have to say I’m happy to see “Password” is coming back. Something the tube is also missing is the classic game show. Forget “Deal Or No Deal” and the rest of these new competitions. Most people did because few of them have lasted. It’s cool that eighty-something year old Betty White will be on the show. A cool summer fill-in series for sure!

My First Memories Of TV

I’m not talking about my childhood, I’m talking about when I actually got into the business.

We have a high school student “shadowing” Good Morning Cleveland this week. I wonder what’s going through his mind about the experience so far. He arrived bright and early this morning. You have to give him credit for that initiative. Actually, it’s part of his senior project so there’s a a reason he has to do it.

At any rate, it got me thinking about my first days in TV. Growing up in the Cleveland market, I was familiar with many of the people who were on the news. I remember walking by Judd Hambrick in the halls of Channel 3 when it was back on East 6th Street across from the Cleveland School Board of Education building. Judd is a tall man but he just seemed larger than life to me.

Some of the first people I met were Kim Brattain and Jim Hooley. My college professor worked as a weekend editor at WKYC and I got the chance to go up with her to Cleveland from Ashland. I was surprise how nice they both were. They were willing to answer my questions and even noticed me when I was getting dinner at the Galleria. This was back in the days of reporters like Joe Mosbrook and John Herrington. They were the veteran reporters who knew Cleveland like the backs of their hands. They’d been in television since before I was born. I worked with Mosbrook after I got hired at Channel 3. Oh, I can’t forget to mention Thor Tolo who was the most energetic person I’ve ever met. He was hopped up on hot cocoa. I think I saw him drink at least 4 cups myself.

I remember being mesmerized with the studio and the control room. I remember watching the robotic cameras zoom from place to place in the studio. It is still interesting to watch them. I remember the excitement of the producer, the editors and the assignment desk editor. I thought I want to be a part of this. It hooked me a little on this business.

When I got my internship, I couldn’t get enough of the station. I came in on days where I wasn’t scheduled. I thought it was so cool that I was an intern for a Cleveland station. I remember being so determined to get a job there. I interned in the promotions department under Dan Klintworth initially before he left the station. His secretary, Marcia, helped get me saavy to the business. She told me go down to the first floor and memorize the photoboard so that I could see a face and know the name. I did what she said and probably surprised a lot of people who didn’t know who I was.

So I can kind of imagine what my high school job shadow student is experiencing although, TV probably isn’t as big of a deal now as it was then. Now, it might be more interesting to tour the YouTube offices.

Tax Rebate Check

So, I got suckered in by the Target ad and I guess I spent (what the government wants you to do with the thing) about 1/3 of my money this morning during a trip to Steelyard Commons.

I got the “granny cart” which I think I’ll return because the rear axle on it already bent. I got a Dustbuster because my car’s a filthy mess and I’m not hanging out at the local gas station to suck all of my crud out of my CRaVe.

It was that time of the year when I need toilet paper, dish washing detergent, laundry supplies, you know what I’m talking about. Add all of that together and you come away with a $214.62 bill. Looking over the receipt, Target is apparently trying to help me with my HSA, because the solution for my contacts is apparently covered, all $3.22 worth!

Well, it’s noon already and that’s been the extent of my Sunday. Ah, the joys of thinking about the return of the work week. That’s my cyclical lifestyle!

Saturday Morning

It ain’t exactly a beautiful mid-May day. Clouds cover the Cleveland skies. The winds are blowing things around. At least the temperature is near 60 degrees. Today will be my first experience with a concert at The Plain Dealer Pavilion. The Cleveland Police Department’s Tattoo is today. It’s a memorial to those who have served the city. I’m going to be bagpiped out by the end of the night probably. They’ve been practicing on the stage for the past couple of nights. Those bagpipes and drums are loud.

I want to get over to the parking lot at the Powerhouse and do some more cleaning because they have another dumpster. I don’t even think all of the debris will fit in it either. There are still a lot of pallets out there that can go into the dumpster. The Ohio Canal Corridor is trying to get someone to come and chip all of the brush that’s sitting next to the Superior Viaduct. We may use all of the chips to put under one of the viaduct’s arches.

There’s probably a trip to Steelyard in the cards for me today. I need some groceries and some household items. We’ll probably stop by the Westside Market for some produce as well.

Can the Cavs win in Boston against the Celtics at the Garden? The Cavs looked good last night but we’ll all have to cross our fingers for Sunday.

Movie Quote

I watched “Juno” a couple of weeks ago and I have to say I loved this comment J.K. Simmons
character said when he was talking to Juno.

“Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you
for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome,
what-have-you, the right person’s still gonna think the sunshine shines out
your a$$. That’s the person worth sticking with.”

I’m not a movie quote kinda guy but this one struck me as a bit profound.

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, I’d recommend it.

New Music

Anyone who knows me well, knows I’m a music buff. One of my new favorite songs is “Mercy” by Duffy. I saw her first on “London Live” on MOJO. Just a day later, one of my friends sent me a message telling me how much she loved the song. If you haven’t heard the song yet, check it out by clicking on the song link above. The music scene is doing this 60’s retro thing right now with Amy Winehouse and now with Duffy. You can hear about a half a dozen classic music hooks during the song.

I know I’m going to take some flack for this one but everyone I know is humming Miley Cyrus’ tune “See You Again”, especially my neighbor, Molly. It’s a pop gem sounding a lot like “Sunglasses at Night” by Corey Hart. If you’ve listened to any radio recently, you’re bound to hear it. There are already a bunch of remixes on this song floating around the Internet.

I’m a little late on this one but I really like Fall Out Boy’s song “Sugar, We’re Goin Down”. It’s just got that angry workout harder feel to it.

I’m still trying to get sick of Maroon 5’s “I Won’t Go Without You”. I don’t know why I’m still listening to it but I’ve always enjoyed their songs.

Finally, Jason Mraz’s latest effort, “I’m Yours” will have you trying to sing-a-long with him. I try I just can’t keep up with his ska-style.

If you haven’t tried The Hype Machine, give it a try. There are all sorts of remixes to songs and they run a list of what people are blogging about on the Internet. I check it out all of the time to see if there’s a new song I can add to my mp3 player. Good stuff!

It’s almost Friday!!

NewsChannel 5 LIVE at the Coast Guard

NewsChannel 5 anchor Paul Kiska interviews Frank Jennings of the U.S. Coast Guard about boating safety. They talked about new life preservers that aren’t as bulky as the old ones. They also talked about drinking while boating. It’s more dangerous because the wind and the waves can make navigating a boat more difficult while impaired. Also, many times people who are drunk may end up swimming the wrong way (down) instead of the right direction (up) because of an imbalance in the inner ear. If you didn’t watch Good Morning Cleveland this morning, that’s only a little bit of what you missed. Did you hear McDonald’s is giving away free sandwiches today and Dunkin’ Donuts is giving away free ice coffee? More information from this morning’s show!

Detroit vs. Cleveland

The Tale of Two Cities On the Rebound

I got the chance to hear Christopher B. Leinberger at the 2008 Historic Downtown Cleveland Luncheon Forum at Windows on the River. I have a lot of thoughts on what he had to say during his presentation and I’m going to get his book.

He talked about two cities I know a lot about having lived in both of them, Cleveland & Detroit. I recall leaving Cleveland back in 2000 and relocating to Motown. I didn’t know much about it other than the obvious. I was surprised seeing what the downtown had to offer. Truly, not much. You could get lunch but after everyone went home to the ‘burbs, the city rolled up the sidewalks. You could walk there but you’d do so with people who likely didn’t have a home.

There was a river, Greektown neighborhood, Comerica Park, Hockeytown, Joe Louis Arena, Cobo Hall and even casinos. Why did everyone want to go home to the ‘burbs and not support the city? Detroit had so much opportunity to get people downtown and rebuild what was a great area of commerce, business and living. I’d cite all of the development and positive energy I saw leaving Cleveland. Who could forget what happened to the area when the city celebrated its 200th anniversary? The Flats came alive, the Warehouse District was growing, seeds were being planned in the East Fourth Street neighborhood, anchored by then Gund Arena and Jacobs Field and a could be restaurant/bar called Flannery’s. I wanted this for my new home in Detroit.

Believe me, all of the metro Detroiters heard my Cleveland stories about how they were missing the boat (no pun intended) and not developing their downtown and waterfront. I realize how much I hate traffic and driving. Everything in Metro Detroit is at least a half hour away from everything else. Every time a friend wanted me to visit, they always lived a half hour away. Why couldn’t things be more centralized?

Now, I’m living back in Cleveland and hearing about Detroit’s renaissance (albeit much later than city planners expected). I’m hoping Cleveland can now follow in Detroit’s footsteps back to urban revitalization.

p.s., I plan to have more on Mr. Leinberger’s presentation tomorrow.

Cavs Win!!

Boston – 77
Cavaliers – 88

What a GREAT game — Thanks to Rebecca (for the invite) and Rodger for the tickets. Rodger didn’t get to see the game he was out of town. Bummer!