Scott Smith Rockin’ Out

I’ve blogged about Scott Smith in the past and what a talented guy I think he is. If you haven’t seen him at Flannery’s or SouthSide check out his fancy fingerwork for yourself here on a video he posted on myspace, the song is called The Flight. I don’t know why he’s not recording for some big label yet.

He’s promising a summer return to Cleveland for some more shows on July 11th & July 12th at Flannery’s.

A Busy Day

My day began bright and early at 11:15pm Tuesday night. I go into work by midnight and helped get "Good Morning Cleveland" on the air. I read over some sweeps pieces we have coming up next week. You'll get to see behind-the-scenes at "Wheel Of Fortune". It's a side of Pat Sajak & Vanna White you don't get to see much.

I left about 9:45am and had to stop to get a birthday gift for someone. While shopping I got two calls from two people we're working with for an upcoming live remote.

I also talked with someone about a piece I want one of our anchors to do. It's a cool behind the scenes in Cleveland story that'll be interesting for everyone.

I'm also gearing up for the RiverSweep this weekend. Let's hope the weather holds out for the big clean-up!

It's almost Noon, I'd like to sleep now.

500th Blog Post

I’ve wondered what day it would actually happen but I guess you can mark down May 6, 2008 for this milestone.

I actually started blogging after searching high and low for a way to repair my Toshiba laptop. My screen would flap all over the place and it made it tough to type. When I found the fix on another person’s blog, I decided to start one up so I could help others as well. My CRV Oil Life Reset post gets a lot of hits. Of course, like other things, I get a little obsessed and end up posting 500 entries about my life.

On this cool occasion, I got some good news today from the people at the Ohio Canal Corridor and Jacobs Investments. This weekend during RiverSweep, we are going to clean up the area that many people who live in my building can see. I know we only have three hours and it’s going to take us all of that time to get it done. There are pallets, tires, wires and all sorts of bottle all over the place. I can’t wait for it to look a lot nicer after RiverSweep.

By the way, I’m hoping you’ll think about coming down this Saturday morning and helping out. The information about participating is available by clicking on the link above.

This is my 500th post so I don’t feel forced to keep it to one thought. I’m still typing on that Toshiba laptop that I’ve had for almost five years but my life has changed a lot since that first post. I’m no longer in Texas. I’m no longer in Avon Lake. I’m living downtown Cleveland. A lot of other things have changed that aren’t going to be included at this point on this blog. People who know me know what they are. I’m content now. How couldn’t I be, I’m sitting out on my balcony looking at Cleveland’s skyline with a blue sky as a backdrop. I have a great job, great friends and a great family. I have a dream place to live and I’m healthy. I ask you again, what else could you want? I count my blessings a lot and don’t dwell too much on what I want. If I continue life on this path, I’ll know that I lived a life without taking away many regrets.

Leave me a comment and let me know you’ve stopped by!

Where’s It At?

In Cleveland, you’ll find the “at” at the end of sentences. My former Senior Executive Producer got me crazy over the usage of “at”. For some reason, it’s okay here in Northeast Ohio to end your sentence with a preposition.

I don’t want to be a grammar nazi, which my family already believes I am, but I even catch myself saying it. I was just listening to Q104 and the DJ even used the phrase. My other big pet peeves are “saw/seen”, “was/were”, “say, says, said” and “wash”.

What are the things people say that drive you crazy?

The Workout Continues

I’ve been so proud of myself keeping up with my workout routine. If Paul isn’t available to go downstairs to our workout facility, Dan is. Dan always wants to work out weights, abs and cardio all at the same time. I have to remind him that I’m not as young as he is. I, am not however, admitting being older than him.

He does have a point though, I need to get back into my routine of doing more cardio. Remember when I was up to seven miles on the elliptical? I do, that’s how I lost a lot of weight. I’ve toned up a lot. I’m very proud of what I’ve done. I still want to lose a little more weight, especially around that mid-region area. I know it involves diet. I hate dieting, I’d rather run all day than worry about dieting.

Like I’ve said before, it’s better to have people to encourage you while you’re working out. I know that’s the case for me.

Hold Me Close Young Tony Danza!

I have the complete “Friends” series on DVD. I bought it last year and have been through about half of the episodes. I have to say I forgot how funny the show was. I hate that I have to say “was”. Now, I’m watching the series from a different light. I’m older now, I have more life experience, I’m feeling a different way after watching it.

The dynamic of the cast and the way they changed through the series is interesting to watch from the beginning. I need to resume my viewing of the series but I hardly have time to get everything else done with my schedule that includes, work, working out, sleep and having some sort of fun.

By the way, I’m so glad Time Warner has included the Boomerang Channel on my TV line-up. Call me a kid at heart but I love the classic cartoons. Don’t even get me started on the Superfriends. It was a childhood favorite for me. I can remember wanting to get up every Saturday morning to watch the show. The channel also has Banana Splits, Tom & Jerry, the Flintstones and many other cartoon classics. I also have all of the Scripps Cable network channels in HDTV.

Ah, now if I just had the time to watch them all!

Schedule Change

You already know I’m working overnights. Now, my schedule has changed again to deal with sweeps (ratings). I’m now hauling myself into work around midnight and working until whenever. I’m really tired today because I didn’t leave work until almost Noon yesterday. I got a little sleep yesterday then I couldn’t fall back asleep.

I did watch the movie “Juno” and I have to say I liked it. Thanks Josh & Stacie for the Blockbuster borrow. I don’t watch a lot of movies but thought Ellen Page did a great job of playing the lead role. The movie took a wierd turn when Jason Bateman and Page did a little dance in the basement. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it!

School Daze

We were talking today at work about being kids and elementary school. I’m always surprised by people not really remembering who their teachers were. For me, it’s apparently a sign of a good childhood or I just have that sort of memory. Actually, school bored me to death. I hated it, it took away from my time I could spend watching TV. That’s a subject for another blog though.

Anyhow, I easily rattled off all of my teachers. Here goes for those who care:

Kindergarten: Miss Otto
1st – Mrs. Welday
2nd – Mrs. Elzroth
3rd – Mrs. Glessner
4th – Mrs. Renninger
5th – Mrs. Elzroth (yep, the same one from above, she was a great teacher!!)
6th – Mrs. Carpenter
7th homeroom – Mr. Zimmerly
8th homeroom – Mr. Schultz

I still remember all of their first names as well. You could probably quiz me on my high school teachers as well. I know them too.

Go figure, I remember the teachers better than some of my classmate names.

What You Didn’t Know About “Amazing Grace”

My college professor, Larry “Greybeard” Heiner, sent me a link to this video in a recent e-mail. I’m sure you’ll be just as surprised by what Wintley Phipps has to say about the song “Amazing Grace”. I know I was enlightened.