Life In The Mornings

With little sleep under my belt, I got into work at 3:00 this morning. Getting through 7:00am wasn’t the tough part. Getting through the rest of the day was!

Our assignment manager (the person who lines reporters and photographers up together and arms them with stories) had an off-site meeting. I took over her duties for a couple of hours. Assignment editing was one of my first jobs in television. Many times it’s a complicated and thankless job. You are constantly figuring out how to cover new stories while getting the ones you’ve already planned, finished. For some reason to me, it’s a challenge and can even be fun. (I’m waiting on mom2amara‘s comment on that last statement.)

It wouldn’t be right to talk about assignment editing without giving some kudos to the people who taught me how. Lisa Lowry and Danielle Fink walked me through “workin’ the desk” in the mornings and the evenings. They are both a different monster and both come with their own distinct problems.

We got through the morning with me “on the desk”. We even got a couple of spot news stories. I want to thank the photographers for making life “on the desk” a little easier for a “new face” who was sleep deprived.

When Am I Supposed To Sleep?

We’ve had a little management shake-up at work so I’m helping out on the morning newscast every morning. I’m going from someone who works nightside (or second shift) to someone who works overnights (third shift). My body’s going to be out of whack for the next couple of weeks.

I’m basically going back to basics. I really started out producing in television on the morning show at WKYC. I love morning shows but hate the hours, I mean hate them. Sure, there’s the whole 10am Friday morning you’re done concept but being up when everyone else is asleep is a little strange.

I have to apologize for so much picture blogging and not enough “blogging” posts. We’ve been so busy at work with the recent departures of several key co-workers. With the primary last week and the snowstorm this weekend, I think I logged almost 60 hours last week at work. mom2amara probably had even more but she’s a lot tougher than I am.

Hopefully things will calm down a little this week. Let’s not have any flooding or major news stories that will warrant continuing coverage or special newscasts. Let’s just take it easy for a bit. I need the rest and I’m not the only person!

By the way, I helped push about 5 cars out of snow drifts this weekend. I’ll have the video to prove it coming up this week.

Have a great one,

More Water Problems

Check out what was gushing all over the place in my parking garage on Sunday. More water! We contacted maintenance who apparently fixed it because it was not spewing all over the place when I got back from Steelyard Commons.

The Power Of 5 In Action

Or maybe it was just 4… Mark Johnson, John Kosich, Jason Nicholas and taawd help free a stranded driver during “The Big Snowstorm”. What a day!!