From the Detroit-Superior Bridge.
Nolan & the Kids
Everything’s Happening Fast…
It’s been a little while since I had a good life update post. So here goes…
I’m mulling over a move to downtown Cleveland from my apartment complex in the ‘burbs. The place isn’t raising the rent but now wants to charge me $60 more a month for my attached garage. It’s just not economically worth it with the rising prices of gas to continue living where I am right now. I’m looking at a couple of different places and have some appointments later this week. I really don’t want to leave my apartment because it’s where I’ve called home for two years (rough years at that) but it’s probably time to break out of my comfort zone and take on a new experience.
I am going to enjoy December. I have a lot of days off work. I think I work a grand total of 14 days. I’m off the rest of them. My sister is going to give birth to my third nephew. I can’t wait to see the little bugger. That should happen sometime around December 20th. It’s the holidays and I have more to celebrate this year.
The remainder of this week is busy. Tomorrow is the end of the November ratings period. I hope we’ll eek out a second place win for my newscast. Hopefully, “Dancing With The Stars” viewers will like what we put in our newscast and we’ll have a big number to catapult us over the top. I am going to my nephews’ school tomorrow. I haven’t seen Spencer since he came down with the kidney infection. (He’s doing better!) On Thursday, I have lunch with a friend. Friday through Tuesday are my days to do whatever. However, they could be filled with me looking for an apartment.
Anyone who reads this blog got any good suggestions on a good building? I’ll take them. Enjoy your Wednesday!!
Angie & Alicia
Me & The Boys
Family Gathering A Success
Take a look at my apartment, you won’t notice anything different, not even the fact that 14 people were here at one time. Sure, the place smells a little different, like a lot of food but it looks the same. My family even left me with little to do but take down the trash, which I’ll happily do!
The bad thing was my little nephew, Spencer, didn’t feel good enough recovering from his kidney infection to come over. It was a good family gathering but not quite the same without my sister and her family here. I guess I understand now more my mother’s feelings when I was in Detroit or in South Texas.
I hope your family gathering was just as good and you didn’t overeat (too much!)
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Kidney Infections Abound
My little nephew isn’t apparently the only one fighting off a kidney infection. Mary-Kate Olsen is in a NYC hospital after getting one.
The Mayo Clinic says people get kidney infections “When bacteria enter your urinary tract through the urethra and begin to multiply. Bacteria from an infection elsewhere in your body also can spread through your bloodstream to your kidneys.”
At last update, both Spencer and Mary-Kate were in the hospital recovering. Of course, they’re not in the same hospital.
Spencer’s sickness may prevent him and his family from coming to Thanksgiving at my apartment. He already apologized to his mother for ruining everyone’s holiday. What a kid! Keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He shouldn’t have to deal with this at this point in his life.
My City Was Gone
Target Black Friday Ad

Best Buy Black Friday Ad
Best Buy has released its Black Friday deals. I’m part of the “Reward Zone” so apparently that gives me the opportunity to see the ad early.
If you’re looking for an advanced look at the circular, click on the ad link above and check it out for yourself. Just don’t buy up all of the things I want.
I posted page one to the left but there are eleven more pages and door prizes as well.
By no means is this a taawd’s thoughts exclusive. As mentioned in another post, you can find websites that had them before I got this e-mail tonight.