The “300” Workout

(aka “No Pain, No Gain”)

First, if you haven’t seen the movie “300” yet,
start with that. In it, 300 Spartans take to the battlefield for a fight that could motivate anyone. You’ll notice that all of the actors in the film are built, almost machine looking. How did they get that way? Enter the supposed “300” workout.

It’s been discussed all over the Internet. Mark Twight, a former world-class mountain climber is apparently responsible for the workout that gets its moniker from the total number of repetitions.

Take a look for yourself:

25 pull-ups
50 deadlifts at 135 pounds
50 push-ups
50 box jumps with a 24-inch box
50 “floor wipers” (a core and shoulders exercise at 135 pounds)
50 “clean and press” at 36 pounds (a weight-lifting exercise)
25 more pull-ups — for a total of 300 reps

There’s no rest between movements and the score is based on total time. The actors did not start with this tough regiment. It was what they worked up to during their training for the show. Don’t go out an train this way tomorrow. I think working up to this workout is key. I can tell you I’m not there but maybe someday.

The Great Flu Shot Debate

Every year it’s a question, do you get a flu shot or not? Some people believe in them 100%, others say they never get the flu, so they don’t get the shot and others think it’ll just make them sick anyhow.

When I was in South Texas, I struggled with the flu for more than a week. It was the kind of flu where you couldn’t get out of bed. You crawled to the bathroom, did your business and then repeated the crawl back to bed exhausted. I do not want to ever repeat that so I get the shot.

Last year, we got the vaccine for free at work. We don’t have an HR person so apparently we’re not getting them this year the same way. It’s okay because when I was at the doctor’s office earlier this week, I went ahead and had them poke me. Kudos to the nurse because she did it before I even noticed. I don’t have a fear of needles or anything but just like everyone else out there I don’t have a propensity toward them either.

My arm is a little sore still but that could be because one of my co-workers decided to land a chuckle punch on the arm less than an hour after I got the shot. I don’t place any blame, he didn’t know.

Here’s to a flu-free season. Did you get your flu shot?

Thank God It’s Thursday!

I can say that because right now I’m working a Sunday through Thursday work week so today is actually Friday for me.

This week has been a particularly hectic and busy one for me. I’ve had luncheons, doctors appointments and early calls to work. Even with all of that other stuff, I still found time to get workouts in and keep up with my homemade program.

Browns vs. Pittsburgh on Sunday. OSU vs. Illnois on Saturday… oh, OSU vs. Michigan next weekend, I can’t wait!

Here’s a good uplifting question, (thanks to mom2amara), “what is your reason to smile today”. See above for mine, TGIT!!

Writers’ Strike

Television could soon get very boring. You might be already noticing it. Letterman, Leno and O’Brien are all repeats. Their writers are on strike. Soon, you’ll notice soap operas in repeats and then your favorite shows.

At least six sitcoms won’t be in production because of the strike. ABC’s hit “Desperate Housewives” won’t film any new episodes after Wednesday because they don’t have any new scripts.

Both sides are in it for the long haul.

Back in 1988, the writers went on strike for 22 weeks, a walkout that cost the industry more than $500 million.

p.s., there’s always “Nightline” and your local news! 🙂

Just Sing!

This has been a pet peeve of mine for years. If your passion is singing, then sing. If you like to make people laugh, tell jokes. If you love acting, then act. If you want to change the world, be a politician. Just because you’re a singer, comic or actor, that doesn’t mean we want to hear your political views, entertain me!

I can’t tell you how many times entertainer’s activism have killed my interest in them. It’s not a political thing. Look at what Tom Cruise’s involvement in the Church of Scientology has done to the public’s opinion of him.

Last night, Bruce Springsteen came to Cleveland but some fans were turned off by his political commentary during the show. Listening to WTAM’s Bob Frantz this morning prompted me to write this post. His thoughts and mine, just sing if you’re a singer! By attending your concert, I’m paying you to entertain you. By buying your music, I’m paying you because I enjoy your music. By watching your TV show, I’m supporting you through raising your ratings to allow you to charge more for commercials.

The beauty about our country is we’re free to say what we want. If you want to change the way we do things here in the United States, give up your guitar and go into politics.

Thanksgiving at taawd’s?

It looks like my place will be the site of family Thanksgiving gathering. It could be a packed place. That’s the plan for this year. Imagine about 19 people, including several children, running around the place. Okay, they won’t be doing much running around because my place ain’t that big.
Before you ask, I will not be cooking. I will be providing the place for which people will be enjoying that dinner. I’ll have to do some furniture moving or there simply won’t be any room. It’ll be some good cookin’ for sure and I hope the family doesn’t destroy my place or spill anything. I’ll be sure to post a follow-up after the big get-together.

My Early Christmas

My friend told me about Wal-Mart secret Friday morning sale yesterday while I was talking with her. She said she found the information on the Internet through an e-mail from one of those advanced sales ads sites. You can find them through Yahoo! (the official search engine of taawd’s thoughts). One of the most popular is Black Friday 2007.

Retailers are no longer waiting for the day after Thanksgiving to roll out door buster bargains. Wal-Mart spread the word through the Internet about a secret sale going on Friday morning.

I was part of a small crowd who gathered at the Wal-Mart in Avon to wait in line until employees wheeled out the merchandise. Today’s sales included:

  • Fisher Price Nascar Ride-On — $144.72
  • Sanyo 50″ Plasma HDTV — $998.00
  • Acer Laptop w/ Celeron Processor & 1GB RAM — $348.00
  • Blood Diamond HD-DVD — $14.96
  • 12 Monkeys HD-DVD — $14.96
  • Big Lebowski HD-DVD — $14.96
  • Toshiba HD-A2 DVD Player — $98.87

Some analysts expect this to be a lukewarm holiday retail season. It’s probably the reason you’ll see more of these sort of deals at your favorite stores. Toys R Us also started the weekend with bargains. I took home two of the deals.

Wal-Mart is making it easy for customers to learn about secret specials. Bargain hunters can sign up for e-mail or text message alerts, or visit

Bye Bye Bombay

I hate that I missed this news when it broke back on October 15th but the store that helped me refurnish my apartment is going out of business in the U.S. Their website has already ceased operation except to help customers locate stores.

The Bombay Company will close all of its stores around the nation. I got an e-mail this morning touting a sale of 20 to 40 percent off of everything because 333 stores are closing. Bombay filed for bankruptcy on Sept. 24. Bombay apparently plans to keep its stores in Canada open.
The U.S. stores will stay open through the holiday season but then close for good. I guess I have to fork over the dough for the chairs for my pub table.
p.s., my blog now allows anonymous posts but now everyone must do the word verification. it’ll allow more people to comment but you’ll have to deal with the verification question. thanks for reading!

What’s In A Name

Before I get to the main story, I have a funny aside. My name is Todd, it has been my entire life but for some reason people think it’s Scott. It started, as I remember, back in kindergarten when my teacher constantly called me Scott. I didn’t have a friend with that name but for some reason she passed that confusion on to people who would come in contact with me for the rest of my life. High school teachers, college professors, bosses, co-workers… Del Donahoo still only refers to me as Scott solely.

Today on a whim, I asked my mother where she got Todd from. She said “It went with Tonya”. For those of you doing the math, that’s my younger sister. I said “But I came first!” But that didn’t matter to my mother, she’d met a little girl when she was a teenager named Tonya and decided if she ever had a girl she’d name her Tonya. So instead of my parents naming me first and then deciding on my younger sibling’s name, it was the opposite. It’s the things you learn when you only ask the correct questions.

Who were you named after?

Weird Dream

I think everyone who’s gone to college has had this dream once – you dream one class stands in your way of getting your degree. Of course, it’s the class you didn’t attend all semester or you walk into the class, realize it’s the day of the final exam and you don’t have any idea about the course. There are several different ways this dream plays out. has this explanation of this type of dream:

To dream that you are in college, indicates that you are going through some social or cultural changes. You may be wanting to expand your knowledge and awareness. It also suggest that now is a good time for you to experiment and try new things. If you had gone to college in your past, then also consider your personal experiences and memories of your college days. However, if you are currently in college, then it may be a reflection of your current surroundings. It may also represent stress.

The past couple of nights I’ve been having a different dream that I’ve gone back to college. I remember moving into a dorm, wondering how I was going to pay my bills and then the dream was over. Last night, I dreamed I attended one class but then didn’t have the schedule for the rest of my classes. I spent most of the academic day trying to find the registrar’s office to get my schedule. I remember everyone in the dream knowing my name. It was very surreal.

I know I work in television but I’m having a “dream mini-series”. It’s been playing out over the past couple of nights. Thank God I don’t see “To Be Continued” pop up at the end. Normally, I don’t recall all of my dreams but these are different.

Do you have any recurring dreams or worse, nightmares?