Todd’s listening to: Fergie – Big Girls Don’t Cry (Raphael Gomes Remix)
Todd’s listening to: Fergie – Big Girls Don’t Cry (Raphael Gomes Remix)
All of this season, I went back and forth on whether I liked ED and Daniele or not. I knew I didn’t want Zach to win because of his game play. Say what you will but he just didn’t do as good of a job as Dani and Dick.
Yes, I know some people out there are upset that I have just a few final posts about Big Brother 8 but sadly [sic] the season comes to an end on Thursday. We’ll see who people pick. I believe Daniele is $500,000 richer.
I’m also glad to see that the showmance between Eric and Jessica might be a little more than just that!
Call it the BBB! For the first half hour on BBAD, we follow Danielle around the kitchen while she makes herself some food. Flash to Zach who’s on a bed doing nothing but breathing. (it looked really funny on fast forward) Last night’s contest was very boring, you just got to see Zach and ED freezing their butts off for most of the show. Oh, I forgot there was also the exciting shots of the storage room so we, at home, could see exactly all of the food rations the houseguests get.
Finally, almost 1 hour into BBAD, ED and Daniele are talking strategy and about past houseguests. Daniele is packing and surprise, she’s complaining about how much time it’s going to take her to get everything put together. She claims she needs two handlers just to get everything ready. She says the first time she packed, it took her two days to get things together. Daniele also just said she hadn’t been to DR yet and seconds after she said, I’m glad I haven’t been called into the Diary Room, Big Brother called her. Of course, she complained about that as well. Things haven’t changed since the start of the summer except there isn’t ANY enterainment in the house anymore.
Everything will be over next Tuesday night.
I have to say I seriously lack in this category. Slow Internet at work, annoying. OnDemand delays, frustrating. Slow drivers who shouldn’t be on the road, infuriating. Add your pet peeve that just causes you to lose seconds, minutes, hours or days from your life.
You know the saying goes don’t ever pray for patience. Believe me, those words will never come out of my mind or mouth. I’m proud I’m a midwestern kind of guy. I’m on the go and doing things, why stop and slow down so that anything can get at you.
I’m trying to keep a more accurate journal of my running. Today, I backed off a little bit and got 5 miles in. I’m trying to keep it around 6 or 7. I don’t know much else that can clear my head and get my mood to change so drastically.
I’ve been asked to do some blogging about changes in the television industry. A series of blog posts on that topic is just ahead. Also, I have a couple of rant posts upcoming (call them evergreens).
They are:
That’s three blog posts today and a run. Good times…
When we got the video of a rowdy sports fans attacking an Australian reporter, everyone instantly at work thought it was my twin or doppelganger. What do you think? Below is the story of what happened.
An Australian Seven Network journalist was tackled to the ground and punched by two men on live television outside Olympic Park, following a Rugby League game in Melbourne on Sunday.
Reporter Ben Davis suffered minor injuries in the attack, which occurred as he did a live cross to Channel Seven’s Brisbane news bulletin from outside the Melbourne stadium on Sunday evening, police said.
Police said a group of men was involved in the assault. One of the men tackled Davis, pushing him to the ground, while another punched the reporter in the back of the head.
“I could see getting hit in the back of the head, the side of the head, and when I was on the ground there might have been a few kicks and stuff. But again, it just happened so fast, I didn’t even realise what was happening at the time. I just wanted to, when I realised probably the gravity of it all, and there were three or four of them on me, I just wanted to get the hell out of there,” Davis said.
Portions of this post are from last year when I wrote about where I was on 9.11.01. I’ve added more thoughts so this is definitely worth a second look.
September 11, 2001 – One of those days you’ll never forget where you were. I was working at a Detroit television station, WDIV, producing the noon newscast.
At the time the first plane went into the North Tower, I was out of the newsroom.
One of our videotape editors ran toward me when I came back into the newsroom and started pointing at one of our TV monitors.
He said “check out the wild pictures from New York.” At the time, we weren’t aware that a plane had crashed into the building and it wasn’t an accident! We talked about how hard it would be for firefighters to fight a towering inferno.
There weren’t a lot of people in the newsroom at the time because most people didn’t arrive until around nine o’clock in the morning. By this point, all of the television feeds we got from NBC and CNN were on the towers.
Some people started coming in and rushed to see the TV’s, they’d heard the story on their car radio.
It was about that time when another plane slammed into the South Tower and then we all knew something wasn’t right, we were under attack.
I saw so many co-workers with tears in their eyes. These are people who deal with death everyday. Murders and other unexpected deadly accidents we deal with them every day and have to bring that news to people who watch our station. It’s sad you somewhat get immune to death. It’s not that every death doesn’t have an effect but you have to block it a little. This was different, this was an attack on America, this was something no one had ever experienced before. How could you deal with such a breach of our nation? How could you cope with the potential mass casualty? The world changed forever. The lives of an entire generation of people changed forever.
Six years later, Osama bin Laden is still a threat and has just released two videos. They are the first that have surfaced from him in three years. Airport security is still high even though some critics still say the U.S. have much more to do to protect.
I’m reliving some of the horror of this day by watching MSNBC. The cable news network is replaying the coverage in real time. I do recall the hunger for information and how little it trickled out on that day. We all couldn’t do any work. We just sat at our desks watching coverage on televisions with our mouths literally gaping open watching in total disbelief.
It’s a day none of us can or will be able to forget. We must not also forget the innocent people who lost their lives and their families who have to endure the pain of not having them each day and every anniversary of 9/11.
Classic Song Flashback: Only Time – Enya
Novak Djokovic reached his first career Grand Slam against Roger Federer, who’s being called one of the greatest athletes ever. Djokovic ended up losing to Federer in the U.S. Open on Sunday. One of the things Djokovic brings to the table is his humor. Take a look at the youtube.com video of his impressions of his opponents. It’s hilarious and entertaining.
I don’t normally blog about politics but this isn’t about Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal.
I’m also not exactly timely on this post but I had to comment about President Bush’s confusion while in Australia.
He was there representing our country at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. Only sentences into his speech he said “Thank you for being such a fine host for the OPEC summit”, referencing Australian Prime Minister John Howard. The problem is he meant APEC. It’s an annual meeting of leaders from 21 Pacific Rim nations. OPEC, of course, is an organization made up of 12 major oil producers. On wikipedia.org, one of the first things you see on the OPEC page says this:
The President also called Australian troops, “Austrian”. There’s also his decision to exit stage left on his way out. Apparently, that would have taken him off a steep drop. The other world leaders redirected him down the center of the stage where steps took him down to the floor.
It must take some people back to the days of Gerald Ford. The former president was a noted athlete but was also regarded as clumsy. During a presidential trip to Vienna, he tripped over a step while deplaning Air Force One. Chevy Chase often parodied the former president on Saturday Night Live, performing pratfalls for laughs.
Support him or criticize him, sometimes his actions and words have to make you laugh. youtube for the video. It’s worth it.
Every year, Cleveland joins together to root for the team they love so much. Sure, Northern Ohio loves the Indians. They’ll probably end up winning their division. Sure, Northern Ohio loves the Cavs. The team went to the NBA Finals this year. But Northern Ohio loves the Browns. Cleveland didn’t get the nickname “Browns Town” by accident.
A 2006 study conducted by Bizjournal determined that Browns fans are the most loyal in the NFL. The study shows Browns fans filled 99.8% of the seats at Cleveland Browns Stadium during the last seven seasons, despite a combined record of 36 wins and 76 loses over that span. Let’s not forget the Browns Backers that boast having more than 77,000 members. It is considered the largest sports-fan organization in the USA. Fans were largely responsible for bringing the team back to Cleveland after Art Modell took the team to Baltimore in 1995.
Almost as much as their love for the team, Browns fans love to tailgate. People were already setting up camp at the Muni Parking Lot around 6am this morning. You could smell charcoal for miles away from all of the people tailgating and cooking up food. The Muni Parking Lot looked like a campground than a surface parking lot. Police competely shutdown access to the lot before 10am this morning.
Cleveland loves its football team but every season Clevelanders seem to end up saying the same thing “There’s always next year”. The Browns aren’t coming out of the blocks today looking too good. With 4:10 to go in the first half, the Browns have not scored yet, however the Steelers already have 17 points up on the scoreboard. The disapproving crowd has already booed Charlie Frye. Derek Anderson already fumbled the ball. The crowd is already calling for Brady Quinn. There are some bright moments for the defense but remember there were 17 points up on the board when the Browns went to the lockerroom.
Second half wasn’t that much better although Derek Anderson did throw a touchdown pass to Lawrence Vickers to put the Browns up on the board for 7 points. In all, the Browns had five turnovers and allowed six sacks. It wasn’t as bad as 1999 when the Steeler bested the Browns 43-0.
I count myself a Browns fan and each year, I have that hope that my team will have a winning season but I find myself hoping that every year.