Club Level seats ain't so bad…
C’mon Frank
Par Three at Avalon
Avalon Golf Course
My Connection To Federer
Breakfast at Wimbledon is something I do not miss each year. This time around there was a special connection for me to one of the players in the finals.
Roger Federer beat Rafael Nadal 7-6 (9-7), 4-6, 7-6 (7-3), 2-6, 6-2 to become the first man in 27 years to win five consecutive Wimbledon titles.
So what’s my connection? Federer was born in Basel, Switzerland. It was one of the places I visited on my recent trip to Europe. My maternal great grandfather’s grandparents lived in Basel and were buried there. Having just visited there, I got to say I was definately rooting for him to win today. Federer doesn’t call Basel home anymore but the people in Basel count him as a hometown boy.
Photo Credit: Ryan Pierse, Getty Images
R. Kells & Barenaked Ladies
During the Barenaked Ladies concert in Cleveland. Ed Robertson talked about R. Kelly’s “Trapped In The Closet”. He told the crowd if they haven’t watched it, do yourself a favor and watch it with a group of friends or a support network. He warned without that group, you might think it’s reality, slip into it and never come back out. Steven Page & Ed called it “shart”. You can figure out what that means for yourself.
Ed also shared a story about a rapper taxi driver from Lake Charles, Louisiana. He told the cabbie if he ever made a video like “Trapped In The Closet”, he’d come back for him. The cabbie rapper told him, “Nah, man with R. Kells, man, you gotta wrap a string around your mind, so when that stuff’s done, you can pull yourself back together”.
I took their advice and watch chapters 1 – 5 and they weren’t off the mark. It was one of the most surreal things I’ve ever seen. I didn’t know if the “hip-hopera” was humorous, serious, genius, artistic, “shart” or (i’ve run out of other adjectives). It’ll take you twenty-some minutes to watch. (It’s available on Please heed the BNL warning however. It’ll change or at least alter your life.
Since debuting the first five chapters, R. Kells has released seven others. Here’s the best? news, Wikipedia says “Trapped In The Closet 13-22” is set to release July 24th. There’s more room for new insight into the mind of R. Kells.
Big Brother 8
It’s time for my summer guilty pleasure. Big Brother! Check out the housemates from Big Brother 8. Take a look at the picture. How’s that for diversity? I thought the introduction of all of the people played to the lowest common denominator. All about sex and suggestive phrases. C’mon, the show’s good enough without pandering.
With all of that said, Danielle looks just like Anna Nicole Smith did a long time ago. One of the housemates even said that during the premiere. I don’t know how my favorites are yet but I already know who I’d like off the show already!
More updates as the season heats up!

The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds
I planted these marigolds as seeds in this balcony planter and didn’t give them much hope. They withstood the Europe trip without very much water. I don’t even know if it rained here while I was gone. I was shocked to return and see them doing so well. A couple of them are ready to bloom. Isn’t it funny how little things like this can bring a smile to your face?
By the way, Happy Fourth of July! After spending time in Europe, I’m happy I live in the United States. Not that there’s anything wrong with Europe, it’s a great place to visit but I’ll keep my American ways about me. Enjoy the day off work if you’re so blessed. Of course, I’ll be working but isn’t that just part of the fun of my job?

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