Sunday Afternoon Veggin’

After a weekend at the ballpark and dinners downtown, time to just veg out and watch some favorite movies.

I’d actually forgotten how fun “Office Space” & “Trading Places” were. Add in the fact they’re on Comedy Central and they’re even better. You have to love the fact every time someone says an foul word, they cut the word and forget about any nudity like the scene with Jamie Lee Curtis, they’re gone.
I watched “Office Space” first, in between phone calls. Thank God for the DVR. I don’t think I could live now without one. Just pause the movie and then pick back up after the conversation is over. Thanks to Comedy Central and all of their commercials, just fast forward through them to catch back up to live video. Fantastic. I guess I’m probably one of the only people who didn’t know Mike Judge of “Beavis & Butt-head” fame was responsible for the movie. It’s the ultimate “F-U” movie to bosses and big corporations.
Also, thank God, Spring is almost close to really arriving. It’s 7:45pm and still light outside. I can’t wait for summer and all the fun it promises here in Ohio, Europe, & North Carolina.
Stay tuned…