The meme: 7 random facts about me
The rules:
- Link to your tagger and post these rules.
- Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
- Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
1.) When I was a kid, I thought Jack Frost was real. I didn’t think he was human but I was scared to death of him. My parents would tell me “Jack Frost was here” and I wouldn’t get out of bed.
2.) While I was kneeboarding back in high school, I hit a wake the wrong way after landing a 360 flip. The kneeboard came up and hit me in the face. I had braces at the time. The impact slit my lip and rearranged my teeth. The dentist I saw told me if it wasn’t for the braces I would have lost about a half dozen teeth. I got nine stitches in my lip and still have a scar. I haven’t kneeboarded since that accident.
3.) My cousin swung a croquet mallet like a golf club and hit me squarely in the nose. I have never lost so much blood in my life. My nose is still screwed up because of that accident. I have since forgiven her but will never let her forget it.
4.) I really don’t have that many fears of living, breathing things. Spiders don’t bother me, snakes don’t either, however I don’t have either as pets. I’ve somewhat conquered my fear of dogs after getting bit by my aunt’s german shepherd (she claims he scratched me). My fears are more life-oriented.
5.) I grew up on a farm even though my parents weren’t farmers. We rented the century home. Our landlord’s daughter’s family demolished the house and built a similar home on the same spot. Our house still exists but only in our memories and the hundreds of pictures my parents too over the years.
6.) I used to wear hoodies back in the day when they weren’t even popular. They were my security for some reason. I wore them to school everyday. I even forgot to take it off for picture day and my mother was furious mildly upset with me.
7.) My local newspaper named me and Janey Haskins as “Teenagers Of The Month”. Yes, I like other people who were trying to be cool sported a hockey hairstyle (yes, others call it a mullet). For pride purposes, I am not including a picture. You’ll have to trust me!
Here are my tags:
Bruce: He claims to be getting back into the blogging business. This will give him easy content.
Jennie: She’ll be a wiz at this and we’ll all learn something about her.
Megan: I read her blog every now and then.
Wet Cat: Apparently, his name is really Carl but for some reason everyone calls him Wet Cat.
I know I’m supposed to do 7 people but this is all I can muster. They will have to do.