Cleveland Blogs…

That’s not blogs in the noun sense… that’s blogs as a verb. If Cleveland Rocks then the city also does its share of blogging. A simple search on blogger will turn up around 3,600 profiles from people who claim Cleveland (proper), as I do, as their home.

I grew up Cleveland, suffered through the jokes, the questions on why I would want to live there, watched Cleveland TV, left Cleveland but ultimately came back to live. Will I spend the rest of my life here, I don’t know. My heart will always be here. People who know Cleveland, love Cleveland.

I just can’t believe how many people blog. I don’t know too many other people at my workplace who blog. I’m the recipient of some jokes but I’m okay with that. I’m intentionally linking to Christine’s blog. She’s moving back to Cleveland. Our region needs more of that. We need to stop the brain drain and convince people to stay here. We lose a lot of people to Chicago, the big Cleveland. I dare you to go to the Windy City and not bump into someone from Cleveland.

Cleveland has so many hidden gems people don’t know exist. Everyone knows the Orchestra but what about Ohio City, Tremont, Little Italy and the Metroparks.

Todd’s listening to: Barenaked Ladies – One And Only

One Reply to “Cleveland Blogs…”

  1. When I lived in Chicago, no Chicagoan admitted to having an accent. But it also took me living out of state to recognize what a Cleveland accent is!

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