My days of Showtime viewing are numbered. There are 13 more nights of BBAD (Big Brother After Dark, for those of you not following along.) and then I’m going to cancel Showtime. I’m going to miss two good shows on the channel, Weeds & Californication. If you have Showtime, you should watch them, but not with kids in the room. How could anyone who’s watching BBAD, not at least be curious about them because that’s all Showtime shows us as commercials for three hours.
Let’s get back to BBAD, ED has apparently told Jameka she’s going home on Thursday and told Jessica she’s safe. This is a lie. They plan on sending Jessica home instead. I don’t quite understand why. It’s totally an unneeded mind game. Several of the bloggers out there have figured out several scenarios. They say it’s a bad idea for the Donato’s to send Jessica home. ED is apparently set to offer Jameka an eleventh hour deal to keep her in the house. She’d be silly not to accept it. The deal includes some immunity for Dick & Daniele. Zach, of course, is happy to play along.
What would the houseguest do without alcohol? They’ve played more beer games this year than I remember any other season playing. The bulk of what you get to see now on BBAD is beer games. Soon there will be just four people who are in the game, the late night competitions aren’t going to be so exciting anymore. Daniele just said “I think Showtime is sick of quarters”. Someone else chimed in “and beer pong”.
I’d really like to see a final four of Eric, Jessica, ED and Daniele. Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening with the current strategy that’s being discussed in the house.
Have you seen last week’s House Calls? They make complete fun of Amber, her crying, her rants and somewhat her religion. Gretchen also reads the statement from the show’s producers about why evicted houseguests won’t be available to the media until after the final vote.
Here’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard all season. Zach thinks he’s one of the most popular players in the house. Zach was surprised when ED and Daniele laughed at his statement.

Honey, please tell me you ordered Showtime for more than just BBAD…