Showtime got me. Last night was the last night of Big Brother AfterDark. Tonight, former houseguests pick the winner, either Dick or Daniele. One of those two will take home $500,000. The last couple of BBAD’s have been the Donatos ranking on the former houseguests. It’s even a little funny. So we’ll find out who the big winner is later this evening.
While I watched BBAD, Showtime promoted two of their series like crazy. “Weeds” and “Californication” are on every Monday night. I prefer “Weeds” because of its humor and unpredictability. “Weeds”stars Mary Louise Parker as a suburban mother who finds herself dealing drugs.
“Californication” is titillating and entertaining. David Duchovny plays a man who’s obsessed with the mother of his child. She’s moved on but he hasn’t. Madeline Zima plays the underage daughter of Duchovny’s former girlfriend’s current boyfriend. She’s not the same girl you remember as Grace Sheffield on “The Nanny”.
I may have to go back and get the first few seasons of “Weeds” on DVD. It’s a great show.