My Look-a-like?

I always take great interest when someone says I look like someone. So tonight, I waited with baited breath to hear what my friends’ wife had to say.

She claims I look a lot like Jason Mraz. I like his music. I don’t know if I look too much like him though.

2 Replies to “My Look-a-like?”

  1. All the girls I knew in college loved Jason Mraz – so you have that going for you. I can give phone numbers if need be.

    PS – after seeing your comment at SensoryOverload I’m pretty sure we live in the same apt (not trying to sound creepy) – what the hell was going on Saturday night besides that Earth Wind and Fire show? It was a madhouse down here.

  2. Bachelorette parties in limos on their way to see the male review.

    Ahem, our driver dropped us off on center street LOL.

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