Unexpected Weekends

Sometime they just happen.

You already know I’m not a Halloween person. I never know what to wear. Everyone else’s costumes are so much better than mine.

Friday night was just relaxing. It’s awesome to have an slow night. It’s funny how easy it is to fall asleep but you just have to be careful you don’t have anything in your hand at the time. That’s a story for another day. It’s really not that funny of a story, more on the cute side.

Saturday was relegated to cleaning toilets, scrubbing floors and doing laundry. Yep, if you have to pee, my guest bathroom is clean as a whistle thanks to some Soft Scrub and Mr. Clean. The place smelled clean. Don’t worry, it smells like a bachelor pad again. {sniff} Ah!!

That night lended itself to a party at the Hard Rock Cafe’s 10th anniversary party. We were on the VIP list (I still don’t know how that happens, I am, after all, me!) We got free food that included chocolate fondue. Yum! I’ll always take a chocolate covered pineapple over a strawberry but it’s a close race. We got to hear Filter. They rocked out. Sadly, we didn’t stay all of the concert because we had other plans that included checking out my friends at the Ro k Bottom. They had a costume contest for the employees. I’m glad I got to see them, they all had great costumes, but Gabe got my vote for his wearing of the evening gown.

Sunday started out lazily. My friend, Kevin, called me, his father, Joe, came up with him for the game (which sucked canal water from all the way in South Texas up to Cleveland). We went to the Flat Iron Cafe because Rock Bottom didn’t open until noon. We walked down to meet Rodger, Rebecca and the crew tailgating. Kevin and Joe went to the game (after snapping the picture with me) I thought I was going to walk back to my place, but then Dave and Marie Jose invited me to watch the game with them. They gave their tickets away to charity. By the way, they have an RV that they bought to $1,200 on eBay. Dave masked it off and then painted it. At any rate, they have satellite TV and we watched the danggone game. I had some food and walked home and went to sleep…

Ain’t it funny when a weekend happens when you didn’t even plan it? Smiles everyone!

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