I’ll Miss You McDonald’s…

If you’ve read any of my posts in the past, you know how happy McDonald’s breakfasts make me. I’m giving them up. I’m trying to be more picky and healthy about what I eat.

Gone are the days when I can stuff a big greasy cheeseburger down my throat. I just can’t do it any longer.

I’ve replaced the Golden Arches with Two Scoops of Raisin Bran (Kellogg’s, of course. I don’t like the Post version) and some banana slices on top. It’s a tough transition. Each time I come home, I want to veer off the way home and get two number twos with milk to drink to drink instead of coffee.

I’m even tempted other ways. For some reason, potato chips seem to beckon me from inside the cupboard. I don’t even like potato chips but yesterday I couldn’t get past the kitchen without having one. Yes, just one.

I’m even snacking healthy at work. My lunch consists of clementines and apples. They fill me up. I’ve even given up flavored sports drinks for water. I still don’t do soda or caffeine. I gave those up a long time again.

Here’s to good health!