Some Customer Service…

I thought I’d blog a lot more if I had a chance to post from my iPhone. Apparently, there’s an app for that and luckily it’s free.
Don’t look for longer posts from me from the iPhone because tapping out all of the letters ain’t so easy. The good thing about the iPhone is it automatically corrects many of my tapping mistakes. You wouldn’t want to see this post without that feature. It would probably appear as something put together by a pre-schooler.
While I’m talking technology, I remember having a TV and only getting five channels. Most of them we couldn’t get very well. We didn’t have a VCR when I was a little kid, we certainly didn’t have a DVR. I didn’t have the ability to watch my favorite show 20 times a day. How did my mother get anything accomplished? How did I cope? Wonder what kids these days will look back and say 30 years from now.
–published from my iPhone.
Why can’t everything be USB?
I’m going crazy with all of the connections I need.
My iPhone from Apple has a special connection on one side of the plug that I use to charge it. Of course, that’s different from my last phone, or the one before that or the one before that. I need juice for my electronics so every time I buy a new phone, that means another wall charger and another car charger.
Of course, my bluetooth (yes, my bluetooth) from Motorola has another proprietary connector that I use to power it up. That connector is different from the old Motorola bluetooth.
My camera doesn’t do USB on each end. Again, there’s another special connector on one end. Of course, that’s different from the digital camera that I had in the past.
My plea: let’s start making all of the connections universal. Of course, if we did that, Apple, Motorola and every other electronics company out there couldn’t take more money from us.
Wanna buy an old charger?
Allison from Confessions of a Cohabitant wrote about her boyfriend’s hair product choice and its dwindling availability. That got me to thinking about my brand loyalty.
I’m the kind of person marketers either love or hate. Once you get me hooked on your product, I’m unlikely to try something else. I’m not talking about the love for a product like Narm has with his Secret but fairly close.
I need Aim for toothpaste. I know practically nobody uses that brand but I often wonder what I’d do if they ever stopped making it. The best part is it’s 99 cents but hard to find at say, Target.
I’m sure the discontinuation of Gillette Cool Wave deodorant would send me into a whirlwind of anxiety.
I use Hollister Jake cologne so you don’t find my smell offensive.
I need my Crew hair product, that is when I actually use it.
As I mentioned, Raisin Bran = Kellogg’s
Pop Tarts (or any other toaster pastry) = Kellogg’s
Graham Crackers = Nabisco
Soda (if I drink it) = Coke
I’m sure there are others but you get the picture.
What are your favorite must-haves?
If you’ve read any of my posts in the past, you know how happy McDonald’s breakfasts make me. I’m giving them up. I’m trying to be more picky and healthy about what I eat.
Gone are the days when I can stuff a big greasy cheeseburger down my throat. I just can’t do it any longer.
I’ve replaced the Golden Arches with Two Scoops of Raisin Bran (Kellogg’s, of course. I don’t like the Post version) and some banana slices on top. It’s a tough transition. Each time I come home, I want to veer off the way home and get two number twos with milk to drink to drink instead of coffee.
I’m even tempted other ways. For some reason, potato chips seem to beckon me from inside the cupboard. I don’t even like potato chips but yesterday I couldn’t get past the kitchen without having one. Yes, just one.
I’m even snacking healthy at work. My lunch consists of clementines and apples. They fill me up. I’ve even given up flavored sports drinks for water. I still don’t do soda or caffeine. I gave those up a long time again.
Here’s to good health!
but my elementary school was gone…
The place where I spent so many years of my young life is now a building with its future up in the air. Elementary students in the North Central School District (now Norwayne Local School District) are now attending classes in Creston.
My old elementary school now sits vacant but there are more than enough memories from that place.
I remember sitting on the steps in Mrs. Weldy’s classroom and playing Star Wars with my friend, Stephen in first grade. I remember our teacher’s mother coming in to help with the holiday parties. I remember standing in the lunch line and telling a girl I thought she was cute, an embarrassing moment.
I remember having one of the best teachers ever, Mrs. Elzroth, in second grade. I made not have liked going to school but she always made me seem to forget about that feeling. I spent a good deal of time on the sick cot. Was I really sick or sick of school? Probably both.
In third grade, I remember when the entire class got talked to because we all wouldn’t play with one of our classmates. Mrs. Glessner made sure we all knew that wasn’t okay. I remember it being one of the most scariest moments of my young life. Who could forget the carpet lined bathtub for reading. A brilliant idea! We got to be some of the first students in the new room at the school.
In fourth grade, Mrs. Renninger read to us after recess to calm us down. She read The Great Brain series to us. Another brilliant idea. By the way, I have all of The Great Brain series which I can’t wait to share. We made a ridiculous robot out of cardboard that never quite got finished.
In fifth grade, I had the pleasure of having Mrs. Elzroth as my teacher again. We also traded classrooms and got the wake-up stick from Mr. Ocepek if we weren’t paying attention. Mrs. Elzroth saw red when someone brought some pictures of nude girls into the room. Everyone knew who did it but luckily they didn’t in trouble for it.
In sixth grade, I had Mrs. Carpenter. She taught us words I still don’t use in everyday conversation, like abecedarian. Words were her game. I recall getting writer’s cramp from taking down all of the notes Mrs. Smith put on the chalkboard. I remember us being allowed to run out and watch the blimp as it went over the school. I had Mrs. Allen for math. I remember always being excited to go to her classroom. She was strict but always fun.
Of course, I wouldn’t want to leave out Miss Lea, our gym teacher. Who thought a parachute could be so much fun? Mrs. Chapman taught us art and always had a pharmacist’s coat on to keep the mess off her good clothes. Mrs. Chapman’s mother-in-law was once our music teacher. You’d know when she was coming to the room because you’d hear all of her instruments clanging around in her bag. It was a magical moment for us kids.
We had two great janitors, Mr. Gordon & Mr. Russell, while I was there. Anyone who went to the school remembers cleaning the erasers. So fun!
You can’t forget Mrs. Schaffter and Mrs. Hostettler. I still love the smell of Mrs. Hostettler’s copying machine. Mrs. Schaffter was always there to help when you got a cut or a scratch.
Lastly, Mr Bowers was the man who ran the school. He came up with the Book Worm Club and used it throughout his time as principal. I still have a segment somewhere.
Those memories and so many more will always be a part of me whether the building stays or goes. Sometimes I’d love to replay some of those times again but they’re probably best stored in my mind and now on this post.
It’s been quite the interesting past couple of days. Thursday was to be my last day at work before getting surgery on my hernia. In the middle of the night, I started getting some intense pains in my right side. I had to leave work to find out what was wrong. I drove myself to the hospital and went to the emergency room. Something was wrong. I’ve had stomach problems, I’ve many a nervous belly, this wasn’t something I remember feeling before.
The nursing staff and the doctor were great. They got me on an IV, pumped some fluid into me, got me some medicine for the pain and nausea. I needed them both. The pain medicine was something else. My room was moving but nothing else was. I felt the medicine move through my body. It was something else. It deadened the pain. I went for a CAT scan, they did an ultrasound. They think it has something to do with my gallbladder. That was a long eight and a half hours in the emergency room. Everyone at Fairview Hospital was great.
It was just a short time at home before I went back there, this time to the operating room. They didn’t waste anytime getting me into prep me. I no sooner sat down in the waiting room than they were calling my name.
Back to the prep area, they told me to strip down and put on the robe. Nothing I came with went with me. Hospital socks and gown were my coverings for the surgery. The nurse established another IV. Unlike the day before, it was in the top of my hand. In the ER, it was atop of my elbow. They gave me some “twilight” medicine. I remember being wheeled down the hall. I remember going into the OR and them taking my one arm and having me stretch it out across from my shoulder and then the other arm and then that was it, I was out.
The last moments I recall were around 11:00am. Fast forward to about 2:00pm and I was up like that. It wasn’t a gradual thing, that I recall, it was just “hello world, I’m up!”
They got me some ice chips, some ginger ale and wheeled me to another floor. They moved me from the bed to a chair, gave me some grape juice and some oreos. I got dressed (with a lot of help from one loving sister) and proceeded to get in the car. The first day (Friday) I felt like a champ but very sore.
Today is a different story. I’m on the mend quite literally. I’m sore, very sore, very, very sore. I ain’t kidding folks, this ain’t fun. Getting comfortable in the bed isn’t comfortable at all. A pillow around the stomach is required. I count down to my next dosage of Vicodin. Ice cubes on the stomach is also a big help.
Hopefully, the soreness goes away soon… Whew!